Baba Yaga

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In Russian fairy tales, when a protagonist needs magical help (or gets jerk step-family that wants magic stuff), they tend to go to a woman by the name of Baba Yaga, who happens to be a witch. She tends to help the hero, but she might also attack them.

Disregarding her tendency to attack the heroes, she has weird stuff about her.

For one thing, she's either wind or moon, but I'm not sure about it.

She also lives in a house that's attached to chicken legs, meaning that the house runs around. She'll stop and stuff in a mortar (whatever that is).

In other varations, there's like 3 of them. And the last one will try to eat people. Just ask Ivan from "The Maiden Tsar."

But most variations can agree on one thing.

Baba Yaga tends to eat kids.

So basically avoid her at all costs.


One time, I was playing a Harry Potter computer game, and they had a chocolate frog card for Baba Yaga. It said that she had a habit of eating children for breakfast, lunch, and tea time.

Years later, I was telling someone about Baba Yaga, and I mentioned when she ate children. The person asked how you turned a person into tea.

I responded with that the person is either crushed into goo or she drinks their blood.

But it's not like that vampire queen that kills girls and drains their blood so that she can bath in it to gain eternal youth. (Imagine that in a fic... How will the protagonist escape?)

And yes, that's a story, but it was a myth about an actual queen who may or may not have killed lots of people.

... I don't know why that Harry Potter game put that in there.

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