Assassinate the 104th! (Old)

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Reina: This is the old version of my story Assassinate the 104th. The next chapter is the updated version.

Chapter 1: Prologue

"This can't be happening", I whispered quietly. From alcove in the rock, I could see my house getting surrounded by members of the Military Police. My father came out to meet them, while my mother, who left me in this spot while we were picking berries, ran to warn my father of what was going to happen. I wanted to go to my father, but I remained where I was.

A man in a brown jacket went up to my dad, and muttered something to him. My father shook his head and crossed his arms. My mother tried to take him away, but the military man took a rifle out and shot my dad. Seeing this caused my heart to stop, and I was rooted to the spot. My mother screamed and grabbed my father's limp body. In anger, she pulled a knife out and threw it at the man, who fell to the ground. Another man came up and hit my mother in the head. She crumpled to the ground, holding my father. As the men picked up their bodies, one of the younger soldiers pointed in my direction. Fearing the worst, I wiggled out of the crevice and sped off into the nearby forest, praying that I wouldn't be caught or spotted.

After a week of hiding, I traveled to my home, only to see it in ruin. I can remember falling to my knees, crying and screaming for my loss. I also pounded the ground hard, hoping that this wasn't real. I had no other relatives who could hide me, and if anyone found me, I would probably be turned over to the Military Police. After this realization hit me, I looked at the sky and swore to take the Military Police down and destroy it to avenge my parents.

I jerked up suddenly, then blinked slowly. Muttering to myself, I threw the sheets off of me and began to stretch my muscles and I rubbed my eyes. I hated reliving snippets of my parents' deaths, but there was nothing that I could do other than not sleep, which would hazardous to my health if done for a long period of time.

Sighing, I crawled out of bed and got ready. I made sure that my bag was full of food and supplies, like my book of hits and my telescope. When that was done, I made a mess of the place and sprinkled mud on the place, making the place look like it was abandoned in a hurry. I exited the place and turned around, giving the house one last look, knowing that I would never return. Despite the fact that the Military Police claims to do daily rounds around Wall Rose, it failed to do so, at least in the forest area. Hence I managed to stay out of sight for so long.

Taking a deep breath in, I turned around and walked away, heading to the shortcut that would eventually lead me to the Training Corps, Headquarters which would be but a small part of my master plan. Step one will be begin by destroying the next potential Military Police, who are currently the Top Ten. Step two is to kill all of the other trainees silently, and when the are investigations, I will stealithily get rid of thos people. After that, I will destroy the Survey Corps and the Garrison, so that no one stands in my way when I cut the Military Police down. And then I, Mikasa Ackerman, will finally be able to avenge my parents' death after so long.

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