Nintendo Nightmares (6)

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Reina: Here's the final night of the game, but the story goes on after this. Clearly, I am a sadist.

Also, it says that I have a message within the story, but I totally forgot what it was. Whoops.

: *jumps into the room like Nightmare Chica* Welcome to the Final Night of the Game. Will Chris survive this round?

Chapter 6: The Final Level


I confidently walked into the Office, turning on the computer and tablet. However, the computer instantly shut down. I jammed the power button again, but the computer refused to turn on. The tablet turned on fine, but I began to worry about the computer. I kind of needed it to play the game.

I picked up the phone and dialed the Caller. No response. Sighing, I tried calling maintenance. That didn't work either. I was about to hang up the phone when someone called me.


"R..." The person replied.

I frowned as I pulled out paper and wrote down the letter 'R.' The person kept rambling out different letters, only pausing once for ten seconds, and after they were done, they hung up. I put the phone down and looked over the letters in order:



I frowned as I looked at the letters carefully. What did they mean? I tried to figure them out before the phone rang again.

"Hello?" I asked, worried that it was the person from earlier.

"Hi Chris!" An upbeat Link replied, reminding me that I had to deal with the game.

"You seem super happy," I commented. "Did you happen to have caffeine today?"

"Animatronics can't have caffeine, Chris," Link pointed out.

"Apologies," I replied. "Did you do something to the computer? It's not turning on."


I sighed. "Of course you did." A few seconds passed. "How much of the game will be changed this round?"

Link didn't answer for a bit. "You'll have to watch the ventilation and stuff. Fox and I don't know what happened, but someone went and messed with the wiring, and they also configured the tablet to monitor everything. The computer was also bugged, so we disabled it."

"Oh," I replied. "Any hint on the number of animatronics?"

"Just myself," Link laughed wickedly. "Bye Chris~."

I hung up and slammed my face on the table. This was going to be stressful, and I sincerely hope that Link was the only animatronic in the game tonight.


I checked to make sure that the tablet was ready. It was fully functional, and I was able to reset the ventilation, the lights, and the cameras.

10 seconds to go.

I took in a deep breath. I'm ready for anything.

12:00 am

I instantly opened up the tablet and began to scan each room. The other animatronics were milling around, but I had yet to find Link. I sighed. Here we go.

As I clicked through the cameras, I noticed a button that said "Sound." I was about to push it when I noticed a sticky note on it. I ripped off the sticky note and inspected it.

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