Master of the Hellish Yard

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Reina: Another FE Evillious One-shot. This isn't one of the Deadly Sins... But it is in a way.

On a scale of EWTW! to LPTFAE... This is another story on the LPTFAE scale

And here's a bit more violence! Yay....

Master of the Hellish Yard

I opened my eyes and looked in front of me. The black box with the golden keyhole loomed ahead of me. I sighed and held the gold key in my hand closer. Casting my gaze to the left, I saw the hellish scape that I was in.

Wolves were attacking each other, despite the fact that they were merely skin and bone. The dark birds that flew above the wolves cawed and laughed against the blood red moon.

What is this? I am... In Hell?

I closed my eyes and opened them.

This has got to be the Hellish Yard. There's no other way.

And if that's the case... Then I am the Master of the Hellish Yard! I have to wipe this place out.

I looked at the box again. How did I wind up here....?

A few seconds passed. And then it occurred to me.

The Seven Deadly Sins.

Sin that had split apart into multiple parts, no thanks to Hansel and Gretel.








Those seven vessels ruined this world. All of the trauma and death happened because of them. They're the reason that I'm right here now.

But they also gave me the ability to destroy them.

As soon as the key is inserted, everything will be gone. The story ends. There will be nothing left in this world. This world will be blown to smithereens.

"Punishment, my dear..." I whispered to the girl that was about to destroy the Forest. "Give them what they deserve."

"Yes, mistress," she whispered gleefully.

I smiled. Punishment was going to destroy the forest. And after there is nothing left there, she'll take on the world.

And when that happens....


Master of the Hellish Yard....

Destroyer of Worlds...

Will be all powerful.

Then the name Lucina Sudou will be a name to be feared!

And the world of Anime Europe will disappear!

I jammed the key into the box and twisted it. It began to glow, and I cackled madly.

"I win!"

Then something went wrong. The energy sent me flying backwards. I hit the wall behind me and looked up. Punishment was standing there, laughing.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

She looked at me and smiled. "Just because you created me doesn't mean that you control me."

I scowled. "Listen to me!" I stood up and turned the key into a sword. "You listen to my orders!"

"No..." She whispered as energy surrounded her hands. "You die."


After Lucina, the assassin turned dictator, used Punishment for the first time, the world gazed in awe. All of the soldiers embroiled in the war of the world stared in fright. What was going to happen next.

But one soldier knew that trouble loomed ahead. He stared at the wreckage of the Evil Forest and grimaced.

"Is this but a game for her? The president of Ylisse is nuts! This isn't a video game or an anime."

Then he lowered his eyes.

"Now we're all sons of b******."


Lucina as Master of the Hellish Yard/Nemesis Sudou

Severa as Punishment

Owain as the soldier

Reina: This is what Nemesis did a few years after the events of the Muzzle of Nemesis... But I decided to use Lucina again!

Another one-shot down!

Someone else is doing FE/EC crossovers... Shall I keep doing minee? They're doing the songs with Fates...

Eh, I might do a few more.

Also, in the original song, Punishment was a boy. Here... It's Severa.

What shall I do next? Fifth Pierrot? Judgement of Corruption? Capriccio Farce? Daughter of White? Heartbeat Clocktower?

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