Oh Google Translate....

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While watching Vocaloid videos, I decide to watch Project Ma. While watching it, I couldn't tell what the kanji said on the video, so naturally I used google translate for help.

I got this:

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It was supposed to say Hatsune Miku, KAITO, and Hiyama Kyoteru.

I got Hatsune Miku, KAITO, and iceberg Seiki.

Apprarently, Kiyoteru's last name literally means "ice mountain", so that explains that, but I don't know where the Seiki came from.

Also, Miku means resonate... Don't know why it appeared as Miku.....

Never trust a Google Translate bearing gifts.

If you decide to watch Project Ma, it's super sad. So don't.

Unless you want to hear "Seth" or Kiyoteru, then... Don't. He's evil.

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