Random Names You Can Recruit in MGS5

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Here us a list of a few people you can potentially recruit in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

- Vampire Husky
- Vengeful Badger
- Stalking Dragon
- Biting Gibbon
- Brass Dingo
- Raging Whale
- Stubborn Wallaby
- Creeping Gecko
- Rumble Goat
- Rampant Buffalo
- Flaming Bear
- Punching Hog
- Cannibal Iguana
- Cannibal Cat
- Golden Jackal
- Dark Worm
- Hungry Gecko
- Bloody Vulture
- Bastard Agama
- Rampant Llama
- Hungry Squirrel
- Charging Dragon
- Spying Python
- Sinister Vulture
- Goblin Hippo
- Sadistic Viper
- Spying Harrier
- Killer Beetle
- Armored Dingo
- Wild Bear
- Dizzy Rhino
- Vampire Slug
- Komodo Dragon
- Pirate Lion
- Titanium Eel
- Steel Gecko
- Cunning Mastiff
- Frigid Hog
- Death Whale
- Glacier Vulture

... Did they use a random word generator?

Programmer: Hey boss, I'm almost done with some of the names.

Boss: Okay.

Programmer: I need you to pick a few of them.

Boss: No.

Programmer: Why?

Boss: Because I'll pick.... EVERYONE!!!!

Reina: Should I do a part two of this?

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