The Angel's Flight (5)

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Reina: Here's chapter 5. This is where Anabiel appears.

Chapter 5: Anabiel


I sighed as I landed on a random island in the sky. It was rather lovely, with lush grass and a beautiful fountain in the center. Mountains cradled the greenery, adding a majestic air to it. However, I didn't have time to admire it.

"I'll contact Nyx," I told Palutena. Dark Pit landed nearby, but he was more interested in the sunset than the island.

"Ok then," Palutena replied enthusiastically. "Let's see if she can help us."

"Lady Nyx?" I called out. "Lady Nyx, it's me, Reiko, the commander of your warriors!"

No response. I looked at Dark Pit. "She's not here."

"No duh," he replied.

I sighed. "I don't what to do now... Do I keep trying, or do I go to her temple?"

Dark Pit didn't answer. Sighing, I decided to try again.


"Get down!" Dark Pit yelled as he tackled me from behind. We both hit the ground hard as something whizzed over us. Dark Pit jumped up and turned around.

I got up and turned around as well, only to see a female angel land on the island. She had long black hair and wore a black diadem with a purple gem in the middle. She wore a long black sleeved shirt that stopped at her midriff and a black skirt that stopped above her knees, with leggings that stopped at her knees. A black and silver mask covered her face. In her outstretched arm was a black gun pointed at me.

"Hello Reiko and Dark Pit," she said in a sweet-song voice. "It's time for you to die."

She pulled the trigger on her gun, and as the bulled exited the barrel, Dark Pit and I dodged the bullet. I pulled my Viridi Palm out, and Dark Pit pulled out his staff. He lunged towards the Angel as I aimed my hand at her and fired. She dodged my attack, and sidestepped as Dark Pit attempted to attack her. She jumped up and flew into the mountains.

"Seriously?" Dark Pit scoffed. "She's running away? Coward."

I shook my head. "She's trying to get a better position to kill us."

In that second, the Angel pulled her trigger, and a bullet passed by me, inches from my head. To think that if I had moved, I would have died...

"This isn't fair," Dark Pit grumbled as we dashed towards the mountain. "She's making it hard to find her."

"I think that's the point..." I replied.

Bullets riddled the air, and by some luck, Dark Pit and I were able to avoid them. Dark Pit switched to his Silver Bow and aimed at the Angel. He pulled back several arrows and released the bow, allowing for the arrows to fly. Several of the arrows missed, but two of them hit her. She left her hiding space and flew to the other end of the mountain. I grabbed a rope from my pocket and began to swing it above my head.

"Lady Nyx! Lady Palutena! Lady Viridi! Help us!" I yelled.

Silence. I sighed and released the rope. It swung forward towards the Angel, but it missed her foot. I yanked the rope back and began to swing it again.

"She's needs to stop moving!" I yelled to Dark Pit.

Dark Pit took an X bomb and chucked it at her. It froze in the air and shot lasers in four directions. The lasers missed myself and Dark Pit, but they hit the Angel. She fell down and let go of my rope again. It grabbed her foot, and began to tug me towards her. I let go of the rope, and it began to coil itself around the Angel. She began to swear as the rope tightened.

Dark Pit raised an eyebrow at me. "Impressive."

I shrugged. "That's how I end my fights within two minutes if I aim it right."

"Ok, now I officially hate you," he replied. "That would have been useful against Pandora."

"It doesn't work on balls of flame," I explained as we approached the Angel. "And it doesn't work all the time. One of my fellow Angels broke it a few years ago."

"She wasn't a ball of flame. She- Nevermind. Let's deal with one issue at a time."

Dark Pit crossed his arms as he approached the Angel. "What the hell were you trying to do?"

"Kill you," she replied.

"Why?" I asked. "What would you gain from that?"

"I wanted to kill you guys for fun. Besides, I could gain Pit from your deaths."

I sighed. "Pit's my brother."

"And he stole my looks," Dark Pit added.

She smirked. "Yeah right. But with you gone, he could be my brother."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Take off my mask," she asked.

"No," Dark Pit replied.

"Do it if you want to understand why I want you dead."

I shrugged and knelt down. Grabbing her mask, I gently lifted it off and gasped. Dark Pit froze in shock.

Her face looked like mine, except it was also like Dark Pit if he was a female.

"My name," she stated quietly, "is Anabiel. I am Reiko's reflection and Dark Pit's twin sister."

She glanced at me. "You're attached to Pit, your twin. And as your reflection, I take your attributes and take them to extremes."

I gasped. "So if I want to care for my brother..."

"... I will kill anyone who so much as looks at him with hate," she finished.

"Why doesn't this apply to Dark Pit?" I asked. "He's basically Pit."

"He isn't Pit," she insisted. "Pit isn't a jerk to people."

Dark Pit gritted his teeth. "Seriously?"

"I'm afraid so," I replied. "What now?"

The entire island shook suddenly, sending Dark Pit and myself to the ground. Anabiel cursed.

I quickly got up and freed Anabiel. "What's happening?"

She cursed. "The Underworld Army. They're attacking!"

The three of us ran to the edge of the island. Monster of all sorts were ramming into the island. At the rate they were going, the island was going to crash into the village below.

"Lady Nyx!" I yelled. "Are you seeing this?"

"All communications with the Gods are disabled!" Anabiel yelled. "They can't see what's happening!"

"Why's that?" Dark Pit yelled as the wind began to pick up.

Anabiel sighed. "They want us dead."

The different characters and their personalities:

Pit: Naive
Dark: Tsundere
Reiko: Hyper realist(?)
Anabiel: Trigger-Happy Yandere
Rogue: Laid-back but knows everything
Iaphyx: Pyromaniac that wants to kill everyone in the story

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