Shattered Cyberspace (1)

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Reina: Here's my Super Smash Bros, Legend of Zelda, Tron, and several other fandom crossover.....

Chapter 1: Beta-Testing


"Link?" A young maid asked. "Have you seen Zelda? She hasn't been here for a while..."

"Zelda's at the tournament in the world of Super Smash Bros with Sheik. The two of them wanted to go to the tournament together."

The maid nodded. "I heard about that tournament. It's for the strongest warriors in all of the worlds. But why aren't you there? You're the hero of Twilight! You could beat everyone there!"

I laughed. "Zelda told me to guard the castle, and I intend to follow her orders, like a good soldier would do."

The maid frowned. "If you had the chance though, would you compete?"

I thought about it for a while. "I would like to do that, but who would defend the castle?"

The maid nodded. "I see your point... Anyhow, I have to go, Link. Goodbye."

"Bye." The maid turned and left. After she was out of sight, I began to rethink what I had said.

Fighting some of the best warriors sounds cool... But what about the castle? I can't just abandon it to go fighting in another world...


I turned behind me quickly. "Impa? What are you doing here?"

Impa grimaced. "A problem has arisen. And I need you to stop it."

"What happened?"

Impa turned and motioned for me to follow. "You know how Demise was killed two years ago?"

I nodded as I caught up to her. "Yeah. I was the one who struck the final blow."

Impa sighed. "Apparently, part of his soul returned into a demon world and it's been growing ever since."


"And that's not all. He can only escape through a Cyber world that is connected between two worlds that he can access, though. The problem is, such a Cyber World exists."

"That's not possible! How can two worlds create a Cyber World?" I asked.

Impa shook her head. "I don't know how, but you know the Smash Tournament that Zelda went to with Sheik? Apparently, it constantly uses technology to reach out to other worlds for fighters, and from what I see, Demise was able to get a signal to connect to his world, although it's weak."

We had reached an unused room when I asked, "And how do I play into this?"

Impa opened the door and smiled. "You're going to stop Demise from escaping the Cyber World."

I raised my hands up like I was trying to space myself from Impa. "I am completely lost by what you're saying. People normally don't go into computers, and I am not good at computer games, although I can kick most people's butts in Nintendo games."

Impa laughed. "That's a good attitude to have! Now go and kick some Cyber butt!"

Sighing, I entered the room. Computers were everywhere, and a bunch of techy stuff I didn't recognize filled the entire space.

Impa walked over to the mega computer and handed me a black suit with matching black boots and black fingerless gloves. "Go into the other room and put this on. It will allow me to transport you into the Cyber-section that represents Hyrule."

I grabbed it. "So... I can't bring my hat and earrings into this Cyberspace?"

Impa handed me black earrings. "Here are some earrings. I didn't have enough material to make a hat. So don't complain."

"What about my weapons?"

"Just put the suit on in the other room."

Deciding that I had annoyed Impa enough, I went into the next room to change.

When I came back in my new outfit, Impa had all the computers ready and was busy typing several commands into the mega computer.

"Link, stand there," she muttered as she casually pointed to an area where some scanners stood. I walked over to the scanners and stood there. "How did you know how to do this?"

"Master Hand, the head of the Smash Tournament, sent my emails and supplies to build this."

"Excuse me?" I thought that I had misheard her when she said "Master Hand".

"Put your hand on the scanners. And don't worry, I'll create digital weapons for you to use. But be warned: as soon as you enter, I cannot contact you."


"The system won't let me. And I have to run the castle."

I nodded. "I understand."


I placed my hand on the scanner. "Ready."

Impa pressed a button, and as soon as my hands were scanned, my body became a bunch of data and disappeared into the system.

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