Nintendo Nightmares (7)

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Reina: Here's chapter 7 of Nintendo Nightmares.... I added in Shulk for this chapter (albeit briefly).

Chapter 7: Descent into Madness


"Chris, run!" Link yelled as he ran towards Ganondorf. Ganondorf grabbed Link and threw him to the side. Bayonetta shot a bullet at Ganondorf, then dashed away so that he could chase her. Roy, Marth and Ike had fallen down and had yet to get up. Megaman and Meta Knight were nowhere to be seen.

"Run!" Shulk yelled as he attempted to help Toon Link up.

I didn't need to be told twice. I dashed away from the battle. I sprinted down different hallways and rooms until I was positive that I was lost. I stopped and took in a deep breath, attempting catch my breath.

"Where are you, Chrissy?" Ganondorf taunted. "I'm going to kill you in front of your boyfriend, and then kill him last!"

I stopped breathing. I had to escape the Museum. But how? Wario, Bowser, and King Dedede had barricaded the doors. Everyone else was wounded, and there is no way that I was going up against Ganondorf.

I looked to my left. The rusted door from last night. That could be my escape ticket.

I instantly ran to the door and yanked it open. I dashed in without even knowing what was beyond the door. I pulled the door closed behind me and turned on my flashlight. A set of stairs descended down to a void. Without even thinking, I ran down them, intent on escaping Nintendo's.

The place stunk. It smelled like rust and decay. The air was cool, and the walls were wet. The ceiling was rather low, forcing me to duck my head down to keep moving forward. Moss covered some of the walls. The stairs were rather worn down, and I stepped on a loose step, sending me sliding down the stairs.

"Kya!" I screamed as I hit the floor. My entire body screamed out in pain, and I groaned until the pain subsided. Shakily, I let out a breath and slowly got up, wincing when I got on my hands and knees. I stood up and held my flashlight out. Before me loomed a dark hallway. Gulping, I moved towards it. Every step I took moved me smell more rust. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Did something rust down here?

I hurried my pace. I didn't want to get killed by Ganondorf. I had to survive. That was Link had told me before chaos erupted. I hated being a damsel in distress, but against Ganondorf, there was nothing I could do.

I stepped on something rather slick and quickly regained my balance. I aimed my flashlight down, and clamped a hand over my mouth to stifle a scream.

It was the corpse of a man in a black uniform. Blood trickled out of his wounds. His eyes stared at me in agony. Judging by the blood, he was recently killed. Shaking, I slowly reached out and closed his eyes. Bile rose in my throat, and I ran away from him, puking on the floor. I had never been this close to anyone dead. It sickened me.

After calming down, I wiped my mouth with a tissue that was in my pocket. I threw the tissue on the ground and moved away from both the corpse and my puke. I wanted to get out of here.

Sighing, I began to move forward. After following the passageway for a few minutes, the ground got wetter until the water got to my ankles. I sloshed through the river until I heard laughter behind me.

Slowly, I turned around and aimed my flashlight behind me. A purple man stood there, brandishing a knife at me.

"Hi there," he whispered.

I screamed and bolted away from him. I ran through the water trying to see if I could find another escape route. I sprinted towards closest exit. Images of animatronics flew past me as I ran. Not only was I in danger, but I was losing my mind as well. As I near the exit, I skidded to a stop, only to slip in the water and slide forward.

The yellow animatronic from yesterday. He was back and blocking my escape ticket. I scrambled back on my feet and dashed to the right to run from the Yellow Animatronic and Purple Guy. I kept running forward until I was at a crossroads. I could either go right or left. Judging from the sounds coming from the left hall, I ran to the right hall-

- And I was back where I started. Gulping, I ran forward again, ignoring the stitch in my side. My feet were aching, but I pushed that to the side. I had to escape.

When I ran towards the place where the Yellow Animatronic was, he was gone, and I sprinted down his path. I turned left and continued moving forward until my legs gave out. I crashed to the ground, scraping my side as I did so.

I gasped and blinked back tears. I attempted to crawl forward, but the ground was slick with water and blood. My left hand stung, and that's when I saw the blood.

I tried to gulp, but I was dehydrated. My stomach was nauseous, and my head was spinning. Images of the nightmare animatronic kept flashing before me. Before I could do anything else, my flashlight died.

In that moment, I lost it. I burst into tears. I wailed, crying about my friends at the Museum, as they are probably dead. I cried more as I realized that I could die, and my brother wouldn't even know about it.

"I-I-I do-do-don't wanna di-die here!" I sobbed pathetically. My head continued to swim as my vision blurred. I rolled over, wailing the entire time. I began to lose consciousness as I slowly stopped crying. There was nothing I could do. I was going to die.

A face loomed over me. White eyes, pale skin, red cheeks, purple lines under the eyes. In my delirious state, I began to laugh.

"A puppet's my angel," I whispered. "It's not Pit or Dark Pit. It's a puppet."

I blacked out right there, not knowing what my future will be.

Reina: Okay, so I initially had another version of this chapter, but it had Zelda going nuts and going after Chris when Chris goes to investigate some noises. Zelda shoots Chris several times, but when she regained her sanity, someone else shoots Zelda in the head, shutting her down. Link sees Zelda's body and Chris near the gun, causing him to go berserk and attack Chris, who ran off into the sewers and passed out.

However, that basically ruined the story (and change the rating). As such, it was a good thing that I accidentally deleted it because I wasn't paying attention. O.o

Anyhow, I just noticed that Chrom hasn't really appeared. Oops.

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