A Shattered World (APH) (1)

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Reina: Here's my Hetalia fanfic... It's different from the Frozen fanfic, despite the similar names.

This is the updated version of the story... If you guys want to see the original version, let me know.

Chapter 1: Disappearance

Third Person POV

Stretching her arms out, the young country got up and waved goodbye to her friends. The UN meeting had ended without any fights or disagreements, which had genuinely shocked everyone there. However, at the same time, nothing had been done. Everyone was too tired to really care about the meeting. No one even remembered why they had called the meeting in the first place, or how long it was supposed to last. The only reason why the meeting had ended was because Italy fell asleep in his bowl of pasta, which led to England ending the meeting. The young country had stayed behind to talk to one of her friends, but took off when she saw the time.

The young country frowned as she went over the UN meeting. It felt like something was missing. No, she corrected herself. It felt like someone was missing. There weren't any empty seats at the meeting, but it felt that there weren't as many presences as there should have been.

She shook her head. She must be imagining things. There wasn't anyone missing at the meeting. America did the role call at the beginning. Or rather, Germany did it, as he felt that America was being incompetent. This made her laugh.

... Yet she still felt that someone was missing.

Her brain, however, was everywhere at once, running through her day, her favorite movies, and she really wanted to punch France in the face for flirting with her. She liked him as a person, but she had zero interest in him. Sighing, she decided to worry about it when she got home.

"Amy," a voice whispered as it stopped her thoughts in their tracks.

She whipped around. "Who's there?" She growled as she reached for her arnis stick. She didn't recognize the voice, and berated herself for not being more cautious earlier.

Laughter. It sound like a young female. Amy tightened her grip on the stick.

"Show yourself, before I get bored and decide to go find you!" she warned.

In an instant, her wish had been granted. Someone appeared in front of her, and before she could register what had happened, the figure shot something at Amy. Her legs gave out when the object hit her leg, and she fell to the ground, defeated.

"Who are you?" She hissed as the figure approached.

The figure laughed. "It's none of your business, Amy. There's nothing to worry about."

"Oh yeah? Then why did you attack me?"

"It will be explained in good time."

Amy attempted to lift her legs, but her vision began to fade.

"The others will stop you," she whispered.

The figure laughed, and the last thing Amy heard before she blacked out was, "I'm sorry, Amy. But they have forgotten you already."


Far away from Amy, another nation woke up in cold sweat. He blinked, trying to get his bearings. He was safe and sound in his house. However, he could sense that something was wrong. He didn't know what it was. This happened every few days, but he could never pinpoint what it was. It drove him nuts, not knowing what had happened. He wanted to ask the other countries for help, but they wouldn't help. They had forgotten too.

The young country sighed and laid back down. Tomorrow, he decided, he was going to figure out what - or who- was missing.

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