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Welcome to my Mad Wonderland! I am Reina de Naipes, ruler of this strange madness!

Here I post tags, questions I've been asked, random facts, upload pictures that I've drawn, publish hilarious/strange drafts I've written, or write updates on my stories.

So to start off, I'm a fanfic writer of anime, manga, video games, and books. I normally write for video games like Smash Bros, but I occasionally write a few other things as well. Most of my stories are on under Ace de Tarjetas, but I'll bring them here and refine them. Send me a message if you find a story you like and want to see it here on Wattpad.

Random fact: My first fanfiction was an OC Centered story. It was... Interesting to say the least. The character was a total brat though. I edited the story, and am currently reediting it so that it flows better.

Also, the song above is the Song Boy of the End, Hansel. I love that song a lot.

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