Marth v Kyle

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Someone of Youtube made a very good point: Marth looks a lot like Prince Kyle from Daughter of Evil.

Someone of Youtube made a very good point: Marth looks a lot like Prince Kyle from Daughter of Evil

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So here are some similarities between them:

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So here are some similarities between them:

- Both of them have Blue Hair
-They both have a sister (Marth's sister is Elice and Kyle's sister is Ney.)


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Ney Marlon

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Ney Marlon

- They are both younger sons of the King, but expected to rule. (Marth is the second child, Kyle had older half-siblings but his mom wanted him to be King)
-They both had annoying fiancés

 (Marth is the second child, Kyle had older half-siblings but his mom wanted him to be King)-They both had annoying fiancés

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Annoying Fiancé #1

Annoyin- Actually, evil fiancé

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Annoyin- Actually, evil fiancé

- They both had to fight an evil Kingdom (Kyle fought against Lucifena, Marth fought the people who stole his kingdom away from him)
-They are part of an army and help lead it
- They learned how to wield a sword
- They both had blades that only they could wield. Marth had Falchion...

... And Kyle had whatever the hell his sword is named. I think it's the Sword of Atonement.

- They both had to take over their Kingdoms after their dads died, and they did it at a youngish age.

- They both worked with redheads. (Marth worked with Cain and Kyle worked with Germaine Avadonna)

- They had to fight evil Advisors. (Marth fought Malludeus and Kyle had an encounter with Abyss IR... But he fought Ney...)

- They both win their fights... But at a cost.

- They were married at some point. Marth's descendants lead to Chrom...

... And Kyle may have been the ancestor to Gallerian Marlon.


- Marth doesn't have any younger siblings. Kyle has a psychotic younger half-sister. And however many half-siblings his father had.

- While Marth doesn't like hunting deer in the OVA, Kyle preferred to paint.

- Kyle dated a girl who wasn't his fiancé... But who also loved someone else.

- Kyle got possessed by two demons. Marth never did.

So who's superior?

The winner is....

The winner is

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Reina: Oops. I meant you.

Marth: .... Why'd you say Gear?

Reina: Hey, there are a whole bunch of blue haired people. Do you want me to name all of the people in that category? A whole bunch of you look-alike.

Marth: The last time you did that, I fell asleep.

Reina: And I wasn't halfway down!!!!

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