Nintendo Nightmares (4)

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Reina: Each chapter of "The Game" was supposed to emulate one of the games, as this was written around the time that Game 3 came out. However, I didn't exactly... Use the games, because a Golden Freddy character should have appeared, and Chris has object ex machinas that save her life.


*hangs from the ceiling like Mangle* Welcome back. The animatronic that'll help Chris... Will appear later, due to some... Techincal/writing difficulties. It's not Bonnie though. I have plans for Bonnie, so all the Bonnie fans will be happy to see him interact with Chris more. And as for Mario, I apologize for messing his lines up.

Remember the rules. We've also had some... Difficulties regarding Pac-Man, so be sure to stay away from him. And Ghirahim.

Chapter 4: Itsa me, Mario!


My name is Christina Schidmt, but everybody calls me Chris, thanks to my older brother. I am your average teenager - or I was, at one point. After the Incident, my life was changed forever. I now view everything differently, and it seems that I'm now slightly paranoid, but that may be because of my brother's involvement in the Incident...

I barely managed to survive Night One. My brother thinks that I'm nuts for coming back, but he's one to talk, as he survived Freddy's on 4/20 mode or something like that- according to gamers. I'm worried, though, as Link told me that today will be different from yesterday. Knowing my luck, I'll have to wear a head/mask to ward everybody off... There better be only five animatronics, not ten or whatever. On a different topic, what's the deal with Bonnie? Why did he appear? Something's up, but I don't know what it is. And animatronic Roy tried to murder me when I wasn't looking. Again. When will this madness stop?

11:30 pm

I crept into my Office. I prepped myself mentally for the coming night mode. Despite my promise to not lose this job, my brother thought that it would be crazy for me to bring my tools to work to fix any animatronic that came my way. However, this was the same guy who was seemingly fine with me bringing a chainsaw to work (I said as a joke, and he took it literally). Brothers. They can be annoying.

The phone rang. Picking it up, I responded. "Hello?"


I tried again. "Hello?

More static. Shrugging, I hung up and looked at the clock. It read 11:31.

Time to start early, I told myself.


What the heck? I thought silently to myself.

I checked the cameras. Nothing had moved- unless you counted Link humming and waving to Princess Zelda and Toon Link.


"GAH!" I jumped and fell out of my chair in surprise.

"Don't a-worry, Christina. It'sa me, Mario!"

Sure enough, Mario was standing there. He smiled and offered his hand, and I was slightly creeped out- he looked human and was up and about, but I had to worry about that later.

"Uh... Hi Mario. Are you here to murder me?"

Mario helped me stand up. "No. That's-a ridiculous idea. I don't-a do that."


Mario pulled a chair up and sat down. "Please-a sit."

Despite the fact that Mario did look like an animatronic and he technically wasn't my boss, I sat down. Mario introduced himself and talked a bit about the museum, and I would occasionally flicker my gaze to the cameras. Mario didn't bat an eye.

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