This is Weird

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That moment you're looking up Evillious Chronicles memes and you get a photo of Fire Emblem.

That moment you're looking up Evillious Chronicles memes and you get a photo of Fire Emblem

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Maybe we should have more FE and EC crossovers. I know of one story, where they took the Tailor of Enbizaka and had it star Leo, Takumi, Female Corrin, Forest, and Kana.

BTW, Takumi is the one who makes the contract with the demon of envy in this story, so he's Kayo Suduo.

And he kills Corrin, Forrest, and Kana to get to Leo.

And then he kills Leo.

If the auther was to do the Weathered Head at Onigashima, who will be Gakuga? Because Gakuga is the one who was married to Kayo, the sinner of envy.

If Gakuga is Ryoma, Hinoka, or Sakura, I'm out of here.

Also, will Leo be the sinner of Greed? Because I see that person as either Male Corrin, Chrom, or Anna.

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