Random History Story (2)

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Another random story that makes me wonder about the world.

Back in England hundreds of years ago (I think) a maid was hysterical. A six-foot bunny attacked her. And a month or so later, she was declared pregnant.

Within a short time she gave birth to a few bunnies.

So naturally, doctors kept an eye on her.

Nothing happen. Even the king was interested.

Eventually, the maid and her husband had to admit the truth.

It was fake. Someone gave them the rabbits.

So the king locked them up, as they did that stunt to earn money.

The sad part?

People told their wives and daughters to not go outside or talk to six foot rabbits.

I can't believe this story....

Almost as bad as the war of the oaken bucket.

Actually, it's like that lady with the eggs.

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