Sans My Skeleton

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Reina: Another short one-shot of mine. It makes no sense whatsoever....

On a scale of Enough with the Watermelons (EWTW!) to Let's Play Together Forever and Ever (LPTFAE), this falls on EWTW! end due to sheer randomness.

Just get ready for craziness and OOC characters.

Here, Frisk is a girl and Chara is a boy.

Sans My Skeleton

It was your average day in the world of Undertale. Frisk was hanging out with Chara, Sans, and Papyrus, and they were basically having a chill day.

"Hey, Papyrus," Chara says to Papyrus.

Papyrus looks up from the piece of papyrus paper he's holding. "Yes?"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm writing hieroglyphs!"

"How is that even possible?" Chara asks. "You don't known hieroglyphs!"

"I don't know, but I'm trying it."

Chara face palmed. "Ugh, seriously....?"

Papyrus went back to drawing his hieroglyphs. Chara sighed, then looked up to see Frisk get out of her chair. "Going somewhere, Frisk?"

Frisk nodded. "I need to grab something from my room."

Chara nods. "Okay. We'll still be here when you get back."

Frisk turns to leave and waves her hand. "And I'll take my leave now, Sans my skeleton."

Sans looked up from his computer that had Comic Sans font on it. "I'm not your skeleton."

"Sorry," Frisk stated as she left.

Chara took a deep breath, only to hear Papyrus doing something.

"What are you doing?" He asks the skeleton.

"I'm growing papyrus plants?"

"Why do you need a papyrus plant?"

"To make papyrus paper!" Papyrus replies.

Chara frowned. What is wrong with these people....? He didn't notice that Sans took his hot chocolate.

As Chara figures out what to do, Frisk comes back. He waves to her, and she sits down next to Sans with her laptop, where she proceeds to play Undertale. As he watches Frisk play, he looks up to see Papyrus doing something.

"What are you doing now?" He asks.

"I'm going papaya plants!"

"Why are you growing papaya?" Chara muttered.

"Because why not?" Papyrus replies.

Chara slammed his face on the desk. "Why is this my life?"

Frisk gets up. "I'm leaving sans the skeleton." And she left her skeleton at the table. Sans grabbed her skeleton and handed it to her. "You forgot your skeleton."

"Thanks!" She reassembles herself. "Now I'll leave with my skeleton." And so she left.

As soon as Frisk left the room, Chara got up.

"Where are you going?" Sans asked.

"I'm going to talk to whoever wrote this story and demand a vacation!"

"Someone wrote this as a story?" Papyrus asked.

Chara nods. "Yes. She is absolutely crazy!"

"Did she write this with Comic Sans?" Sans asked.

"Or in Papyrus?" Papyrus asked.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Chara yelled as he ran out of the room. "THIS IS INSANE!"

And Sans continued to drink his cocoa.

The End

Reina: Would know be the time to confess that I don't know a lot about Undertale? *hids behind Papyrus*

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