"Leo and the other four."

"No," the other four said as one.

"Maybe we could do something with our names?" Frank suggested.

"Leo is Awesome?"

"The Lost Heroes," Nico said.

"Ooh I like that," Percy smiled.

"Agreed," Jason nodded. "Any opposed?" No one did. "Alright. The Lost Heroes it is."


"Hey have either of you seen Nico?" Hazel called walking over to where Piper, Calypso and Annabeth stood.

"Nope," Piper answered. "We've been searching for Jason, Leo and Percy too."

"I haven't seen Frank really either..."

"What's the point of all you guys coming to visit Camp if they disappear?" Annabeth said.

Calypso nodded. "I was looking forward to spending time with all of you. I don't really know the Romans as well."

"Have you guys checked Bunker 9?" Hazel asked.

"That's our next stop," Piper replied turning to lead the way.


"Leo!" Calypso called from outside Bunker 9.

Cursing came from various voices and random noises are heard before and the girls are allowed inside.

Off to the side is a large and totally inconspicuous thing under some cloth but in the center of the floor the boys lay on the ground.

Frank eyed the other four boys warily. After lots of careful thought he speaks. "Jason... Got any kings?"

"Oh come on!" Jason shouted flinging the card to Frank. "You have to be cheating or something?"

"How do you cheat in Go Fish?" Percy asked.

"He- he could've had Leo set up some mirrors or something!"

"I'd be using them to win myself," Leo replied.

"Jason. Sevens," Frank said ignoring the conversation.

Jason give Frank a look as he hands his card over. "How are you doing this?"

"He's looking at the reflection in your glasses," Nico answered.


Frank only ignored Jason. "Percy got any nines?"

"Nope go fish," Percy replied.

"This isn't fair he cheated!" Jason shouted.

"Yeah yeah. Cry me a river," Nico said rolling his eyes. "Just give me that Ace and those Two while your at it."

"Nope I'm done!" Jason declares flinging his cards on the ground.

Percy Jackson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now