Bathroom Meetings (#1)

Start from the beginning


Mark went to the bathroom again at the same exact time the next day. He had no urge to cry, he wasn't just about to pee his pants, he just left class. He paced back and forth, wondering why the hell he was there. The answer to his question walked right through the door, and Mark's brown eyes met the blue eyes of infinite oceans belonging to Sean.

"Do you even need t' take a shit when you come here?" Sean joked.

"Um, no, Sean. That's not very lady-like." Their laughs echoed throughout the room, fading to an awkward silence that nobody bothered to fill.

" you watch YouTube?" Though Mark gathered the much-needed courage to finally say something, he mentally slapped himself for his poor attempt at starting a conversation.

"Of fucking course! That one guy-Pewdiepie, I think his channel name is-is the best! It's so weird t' think that he's around our age, ya know?"

Mark chuckled, "Yeah, I wish I could be as cool as him. He has, like, the most subscribers ever, right?"

"Hell yeah he does! Smosh used to be in the lead, but I guess most people like Pewdiepie better."

This went on for days. Mark would continue to go to bathroom, shocked that his teacher still hasn't banned him from going, and Sean would follow him. They would have simple, but enjoyable, conversations about anything that popped into their minds. Needless to say, meeting Sean in the bathroom during school was the only thing Mark looked forward to in the day.

After a week of doing this, Sean finally asked for Mark's number.

"Hey, Mark? Ya have a phone, right?"

"I'm not ten, Sean. Why wouldn't I have a phone?"

They both chuckled, "Yeah, right. Can I, uh-Can I have your number? I mean, we've been talking for a while, and I'd really like to talk outside of school."

Mark smiled, glad to hear that Sean asked this. Mark considered their friendship to be a little strange, especially because they only talked for ten minutes every day in the bathroom. It felt normal to finally have the chance to talk to Sean while he was at home.


Mark's eyes lit up as he received a text from the one-and-only, Sean. It was after school and Mark was ready to collapse on the couch and fall asleep, but talking to Sean would surely keep him awake for a few more hours.

Sean: its about fuckin time we texted

Mark: ha, I couldn't agree more

Sean: so

Sean: um

Sean: do you like cake

Mark: your the smalltalk master. congrats :D

Sean: you're*


Sean: well, I feel so honored to be given this title. Can I rule the world now? PLEASE?!?!

Mark quietly laughed to himself, wondering if Sean was doing the same.

Mark: yeah sure, whatever you wang

Smalltalk Master: Wang?

Mark: Wang.

Smalltalk Master: Maybe wang will be our always.

Mark: Wang?

Smalltalk Master: Wang.

Mark: wangwangwang

Smalltalk Master: OMG IT'S THE TRIPLE WANG

Instead of texting back, Mark decided to call Sean, desiring to hear Sean's voice. Sean picked up right away, shouting right away.

"WANG!" he yelled, Mark wincing at Sean's loud voice. He turned down the volume on his phone a tad bit, just to be safe.

"Yes, Sean. Wang."

"Goddammit," Sean laughed, "we're such fucking idiots."

"That's why we love each other!"

Mark laughed once again, thinking about how most of their conversations consisted of them laughing together. As much laughing as they do, it was only good to know that they made each other happy. They both needed this, and it was great-maybe even more than great-that they had one another to hold onto.

That's the end of part one! I've decided to continue this on for a few more chapters, just cause I have the power to do so ;D I hope you guys enjoy this, and sorry if things got a little sloppy towards the end, but I'm just really tired.

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