Finding Nemo

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Here's another awesome chapter written by author144 :D

"The Aquarium?!" Jack shouted, clapping his hands together in a fit of excitement. Mark grinned from the driver's seat, glancing over briefly before turning back to make sure he parked properly. They had drove up to the big, blue building and Jack felt like a small child again. He loved that Aquarium, and hadn't been there in ages. To see now that this was the surprise that Mark had given him, he wanted to jump around like a small child and squeal. Excitement filled him, and he jumped out the vehicle before it even stopped moving.
"Jack~!" Mark shouted, locking the car and quickly walking over to the Irishman that was already on his way indoors. "You have to be careful!"
"Sorry, I just got so excited to see the fishies." Jack said, intertwining his fingers together and grinning widely at the doorway that they had come upon. Jack opened it, forcing himself to hold the door open for Mark. He then filed in behind him, containing his excitement as Mark bought their way in. He grabbed the bracelet that would signify he had paid and wrapped it around his wrist, then took off like a rocket. Mark was hardly able to keep up.
He first went to see the whales that were in big containers, and got right up close to the glass where the whales were brushing up against it. One of them stopped, and Jack ran a hand over the glass where it was as though he could be there with the whale. Mark watched with a chuckle, and Jack moved on quickly. The next place was the dolphins, and he loved them. Seeing as how there weren't many people, Jack and Mark made sure to go early in the morning, the workers there let the pair up and into the tank to play with them. Jack stroked one of the dolphins, and it squealed, making him laugh. Mark watched on with a grin, and then knelt down and helped Jack as he fed them; they made little noises and squeaks to ask for more.
Soon thereafter they left, heading towards the seals that were nearby. Jack felt like a little kid again, watching all the wildlife and getting to interact with them. Some of the other adults even noticed his odd behavior, but the man was too busy engulfing himself into the fun he was having.
Mark stopped to get a drink of water as Jack continued, almost oblivious to Mark completely. To most people, it might have hurt to be pushed away and almost completely unnoticed. However, Mark was having too much fun just watching how adorable Jack was, running around and pointing out every little detail already made obvious, and his fascination with sealife. It was enough to make Mark want to hug the other man, and he grinned before leaning down to take a large drink of water.
It took that long to lose Jack.
Mark lifted his head, and then suddenly the Irishman was gone. He glanced around, looking through the throng of people that had appeared due to the midday rush. He pushed his way through the crowd in the direction that Jack was wandering before he got a drink. He wasn't anywhere to be found; his little hat didn't stick out from anywhere.
Trying not to panic, Mark decided to backtrack, working his way towards the whales and the dolphins again. Maybe Jack had gone back in order to see them; he really did enjoy those dolphins. He made his way back to the area of the bigger mammals only to find that more people were crowded around; no sign of Jack. At this point, he was panicking and rushed forward in the direction they'd been heading. There were so many people at this point that it was difficult to move around properly without bumping into someone.
Despite the fact that it would have been rude as all hell, Mark was ready to shout. He was ready to scream to the heavens if it meant Jack would hear him. Yet, and yet, he just managed to catch sign of a head bobbing away with an all too familiar hat on. Muttering apologies and curses, Mark shoved his way through the crowds of people and caught up to the man as he bent over to look at some fish. They were brightly colored things, darting around in the water, and Jack turned at his presence.
"Mark, look at how cute these little things are! Hey-.. are you alright?" Jack peered at him, eyes wide and full of excitement that quickly changed to concern. Mark saw himself reflected on the glass; his face was red, puffed up, and it looked like he was more than simply angry. He looked back at Jack, at how small and innocent he looked, how he had light blush dusting his face and how he was so happy. Mark couldn't stay mad for long. Instead, he pulled the man into a hug, nuzzling his face into the crook of his shoulder and neck.
"You're one hell of a handful, but I love you." Mark mumbled, not removing his head to speak.
"Mark, are you alright?" Jack asked, looking down at him, unsure of how to react. Mark heaved a sigh, not wanting to move but pulling back anyway and resting his hands on Jack's shoulders.
"I am not. Let's just go home." Jack nodded, holding Mark's hand as they walked out the door. "I can at least keep an eye on you there!"

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