Attack on Titan

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I'm sosososo sorry for the late update. I've been completely lazy and ideas won't come to my head, so a weekend of watching Attack on Titan thankfully gave me this idea. Anyway, I apologize if you do not watch AoT, so you may be a little confused. You're allowed to skip over this chapter if you'd like if you don't watch the show, but do whatever you want ╮(─▽─)╭

"They're coming!" A man shouted over the screams of terror of his fellow citizens. Everyone ran away, protecting themselves and their loved ones. People were tripping over their own feet, searching for someone that's missing, leaving others behind, and everything was chaotic.

Jack sighed, looking up at the titans that were taking over his home. He fixed his cap and focused on the shaking ground, the titans' lack of genitals, their disgusting smiles, and he ignored everyone running around him, trying to save their lives. He watched in silence as strangers became lunches, and as old friends became nothing but meals.

Tears dripped down his cheeks as he stood there. He remembered how safe he felt inside the walls until the Colossal Titan kicked a giant hole in it, ruining everything. Jack will never forget how terrifying it was when it first happened. His whole family died right in front of his eyes. Jack can still remember their bodies stuck between the titans' teeth, the blood dripping down their faces. He remembers his parents telling him to run away, so he did.

Jack is done running. He is done fighting, and he's done running away from his problems. He decided it was time for him to give up.

"What the hell are you doing?" Somebody suddenly asked, gaining Jack's attention.

"Giving up." Jack replied, his voice cracking.

"I refuse to let anyone give up. You're coming with me." The man grabbed his hand and starting running, pulling Jack with him. As the titans closed in on them, they made it through the gate. Even with all the panicking, everyone who made it through was safe.

"Why," Jack asked, wiping the tears from his face. "did you save me?"

"No life should be wasted. And besides, you're pretty damn cute. Now, I think the better question is 'why did you want to give up?'"

"I have nothing to live for. My friends and family are gone, and these fucking titans keep reminding me of their deaths." His eyes widened as he noticed the Wings of Freedom on this man's clothing. "You're... you're in the scout regiment?"

The man laughed. "Yeah, I am, but that's not important. My name is Mark, and now you finally have something to live for."

"Well, Mark, my name is Jack. But what exactly am I living for?"

Mark smiled, "Me."


Jack barely saw Mark after that. He was too busy protecting everyone, but when they did finally see each other, it was all hugs and kisses. It wasn't long until they both fell in love with each other, and Jack finally had something to live for once again. He was able to live for the man that would run up to him and kiss him after a while of not seeing each other. He was able to live for the man that would hug and comfort him whenever Jack didn't feel safe.

Jack loves the sparkle in Mark's eyes when he tells him about all his adventures. He brags about how many titans he killed, but Jack doesn't mind. All he wants is to be able to hear that beautiful voice and that amazing laugh. He doesn't want to lose anyone else again, and maybe he won't.

"I'm back!" A voice said as Jack ate dinner alone. A smile appeared on Jack's face as he turned around to see Mark. He ran to him, squeezing him tight and refusing to let go.

"You were gone longer than ever, Mark."

"I know, I know. Hey, but at least I'm still alive!" Jack chuckled, kissing Mark. This is what he needed. He just needed someone he could trust; someone he could love. He feels that somehow... this will be different.

In the midst of their kissing, screams were heard. They both rushed outside to see part of the wall completely torn apart, thanks to the Colossal Titan.

"Fuck!" Mark yelled, slamming his foot on the ground. He turned to Jack and said, "You gotta run, Jack. You need to get out of here."

"Mark, I'm not going to leave you!"

"Jack, please! You need to live!"

"The last time I ran, my family died. I am not letting you die too."

"Jack..." Mark's voice trailed off. He looked at Jack right in the eyes, pressing their lips together. "Goodbye, Jack. I love you so much."

"Mark, wait-!" Mark ran the opposite direction, leaving Jack with a decision between leaving or staying. He was tempted to run after Mark, but what good would that do? What good would running away do?

Mark quickly used his 3d Maneuver Gear to run up the wall, getting close to the Colossal Titan. He noticed out of the corner of his eye others running up the wall as well. Mark was the first to make it to the top, so he immediately launched himself at the titan. Once he slashed the nape of its neck, the titan vanished, much to everyone's surprise.

"Shit, where'd he go?" Somebody yelled with a tone of disbelief.

"I don't know, but other titans are attack the village and people still haven't made it to safety!" Somebody else replied. Jack?! Mark instantly thought, quickly making his way down to the village. He prayed that Jack was safe.

He killed a few titans, as well as searching for Jack. He didn't want to lose someone who meant so much to him; he just didn't want to lose Jack.

After killing a few more titans, he finally found Jack. Well... sort of.

"J-Jack?" He said, starting to shake. He picked up a familiar hat that was lying on the ground. It was soaked in blood.

He remembered how many times Jack told him that he didn't want to lose him. When he was afraid, he would always say how Mark may die. It's strange to think Jack was the one who died, isn't it?

"Jack... you big goofball... I-I told you to run." He said, wiping the tears away. Mark was never known to cry, even just a little bit. Mark stared at the bloody hat once more and held it tight. He lightly kissed it, remember all the kisses he shared with Jack, everytime they hugged, how cute Jack was when they cuddled on the couch. And now all that was left was his hat; the hat he wore in every happy, sad, and frightening situation.

"Jack, you'll come back to me, right?"

It's as if Mark expected an answer. He didn't know when he said, "I love you," to Jack, it would be the last time.

"Jack, I love you..."

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