First Kiss

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"I'll be honest, I've never been kissed." Mark said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. Bob and Wade laughed at this, and Yami looked up in surprise.
"What? The great Markiplier has never been kissed?" Yami exclaimed, and Jack laughed a small bit but otherwise kept it contained. They were walking the streets in the later hours of the evening after PAX, most likely just wandering. They had all had a great day, and it was a nice cool down session.
The streets were empty as most residents had taken up sleeping by this point. The street lamps kept everything illuminated, and the chill of the cold air felt rather nice. It had a nightly scent to it that wasn't too cold, and also not like the city. It was fresh, sharp, something that Jack hadn't experienced for awhile, but then again he'd always loved the night.
The group of five took up an entire lane of traffic to themselves, converging onto the sidewalk when a car decided to pass. But otherwise they'd been walking in the general direction of town as to return to their hotels at some point. Bob kept everyone moving as he was the most exhausted, but was also the most encouraging for conversation, and the loudest to laugh Mark's secret.
"Mark, what about when that girl kissed you on the cheek that one time at PAX like the year before last?" Bob asked, and Mark waved his question off.
"Psh, that doesn't count! Fine, okay fine. I've never had a real kiss. Not something that was emotional and real, never in my life." Mark corrected himself, and Bob laughed even more, Wade and Yami joining him. Jack didn't bother joining, but rather lost himself in thought. Mark had never experienced something so simple that most people found in their years of schooling? This was something that Jack never knew about him, and it made him wonder what he could change.
"Alright, well my hotel is here. I'll see you all in the morning." Yami said, bidding them all a farewell and goodnight, giving Mark a final hug. He stared at the man before giggling and walking inside. Mark rolled his eyes and walked forward once more, ignoring Wade and Bob as well. He stood at my side, standing tall and staring forward.
"Are you going to make fun of me too?" he asked me, and I smiled back at him.
"Nah, its not really worth it." I responded, and he never got the chance to reply as Bob and Wade pulled him back into their torments and teasing. Jack walked ahead of the group until Bob and Wade merged off into their own hotels, and Mark joined him once more at his side.
"You haven't made fun of me this entire night, Jack. What's wrong?" he gasped sharply, making Jack look at him quickly. "Don't tell me that you've never been kissed either!"
"I have, Mark." Jack laughed at this, tipping his head back and letting the sound escape. "I just think it's important. No worries, we'll find ya someone that cares about you who you can make out with or something."
"Gross, no." Mark moaned, rolling his eyes. "I don't want just anybody. I want a single person, I know who it is. They just probably don't want me." Jack looked over him curiously. Mark gave a weak smile and chuckled. "Yes, they. I can't tell you, you'll give it away."
"But I-." Jack began to deny the claim, but Mark hushed him by putting a finger to his lips.
"Its okay, let's just head to bed. I might tell you in the morning if you ask nicely," he gave Jack a wink before walking into the hotel they shared. They climbed onto an elevator alone, and Jack thought hard about who Mark might be after. Surely it was a girl and he was toying with him. Mark wasn't the kind of guy to be.. that way, was he?"
They spoke at the same time, and proceeded to stare at each other in the lone elevator. Jack looked the other man up and down and simply couldn't help it. He grabbed Mark's face and crushed their lips together, not wasting a moment. Mark responded similarly, wrapping an arm around the Irishman as to keep him there and placing his other hand on the railing so they didn't topple over.
The few seconds they stood there were hot, quick, and filled with so much passion that Jack couldn't think clearly. He did, however, recognize the elevator doors opening which signaled the possibility of people. He took their last few seconds together to kiss the man again, and then pulled himself from Mark's grasp and leaped out of the elevator quickly. He looked back in only to see Mark with the most surprised expression on his face ever, and he seemed to be frozen, arms extended to where Jack had left.
"Night, Mark." Jack said softly, and the elevator doors started to close to take Mark up to his room.
"Jack, wait-!" but the doors shut before Mark could escape and Jack chuckled, blush still on his face.
This would make an interesting story for the morning.

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