The Servant's Secret

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GAH! This is all over the place,the ending sucks, and it isn't really as Septiplier as it should be. This chapter is based off of one of my favorite TV shows, "Merlin". This chapter actually mentions a few of the characters from that show, too.

It's such a same to see that the show had ended. I cried while watching the final episode and my heart broke into sO MANY PIECES. But for those of you who watch the show, this one-shot isn't as sad as the final episode of the show, so don't worry. (at least merthur is like kind of canon :DDD)

Sean felt like throwing up his lunch after realizing the mistake he had made. He froze, rapidly moving his eyes back-and-forth between the fire and Mark. The yellow and orange flames soon began to blur with the brown eyes that were coated in fear. Mark, on other hand, felt absolutely betrayed. He didn't want to believe what he saw, but judging by the look on Sean's face, it was reality.

Less than a year ago, Sean had stumbled upon the kingdom in search for food and a home, oblivious to how incredibly lucky he would be. He frantically looked around in search for anything, but he only found himself colliding with the King. He quickly said his apologies, having no idea as to who he had bumped into. The King respectfully forgave him, but not without letting him feel slightly guilty.

"My young lad, do you realize whom you have crossed paths with?" Sean shook his head, allowing the King to continue. "The King!"

Sean's cheeks turned to pink in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry for not watching where I was going. I'm just in a rush cause I need to find somewhere to rest, a-and I-"

"If I may interrupt, what hardships are you facing that brought you to my lovely kingdom?"

"I have not a cent to pay for food, clothing, and a proper shelter. My ma wanted me t' move out cause of the bandits that attacked our village, and she told me not to return until I knew for sure that I'd be safe going back."

"Well, my young lad, you are in luck! After a recent incident that occurred, leaving a spot open, I have a job for you."

Sean's eyes widened, lighting up when hearing the news. "Really?"

"Yes! You will not be given any pay, but you will be provided with free clothing, a room, and three meals a day. No cost whatsoever."

"That's...That's wonderful! What's the job?"

"You shall be working as my boy's servant. The Prince will need your assistance as much as possible, and I am afraid to admit that this task is not easy. But it will provide you with what you need."

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