Snowball Fight

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The sun was out, the sky completely blue overhead and rendering the rest of the world as cold. Despite the chill in the air, the snowball fight began.

Mark ducked behind the snow pile he created, shaking snow from his dark hair and giving a wink to the Irishman next to him before popping his head back out and launching a snowball across the field to where Bob and Wade were hiding behind their own fortress.

Jack grinned, rolling another pile of snow into a neat ball that Mark launched once more.

"Incoming!" Mark shouted, and the pair ducked as a flurry of snow fell over them.
When Jack arrived in America to hang out with this group of people, this had most definitely not been on his to do list. Yet he was having more fun than he had in a long time. Compacting more snow into his mittens, he rolled it into a ball and launched it himself, hearing a satisfying "Ow!" from Wade.

"Yes!" Jack said with a large grin, and Mark matched it. The man then stood to throw a snowball only to be hit square in the head with one by Bob. He fell down, blinking rapidly.

"Man down, man down!" He shouted, waving his arms and Jack crawled over to him, pulling him into the safety of the fort.

"Mark!" Jack scolded, brushing snow from the other man's hair and face. "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't." He mumbled and Jack smiled.

"Yah, I noticed!" He said sarcastically before poking his head over the fort. "Bob, Wade, you'll pay for hitting my teammate!" He shouted at the pair only to hear laughter in response. "Don't worry, Mark. We'll get 'em!"

"I believe in you, Jack!" Mark responded as he continued to lay there in the snow and Jack snuck away into the woods behind them. As Mark started to fire away with snowballs to distract them, Jack circled the clearing until he was behind Bob and Wade. He took off his jacket and scooped a few piles of snow into it. Then, very carefully, he walked up behind Bob and Wade and dumped on both their heads.

The pair shouted in surprise, and Jack threw his rather cold jacket back on and sprinted across the clearing and dove behind the fort. He and Mark peered over the top of the snow, watching as the pair across from them struggled to get the snow off themselves and out of their clothes.

"Nice job!" Mark complemented Jack who grinned from ear to ear.

"Thank you, Mark." He said, taking a little bow and grinning. "I do try."

"You do a fantastic job." Jack glanced at Mark as he said this, trying to hide his blush as he laughed. Mark laughed too, then focused on something behind his and became serious.

"Look out!" Mark tackled Jack to the ground, landing on top of him and pinning him there. He looked over the top of the snow pile tentatively, and then sighed. "Sorry, I thought they were attacking."

"Mark, no one moved." Jack laughed, and then with his thought process blushed twice as hard. "You did this on purpose, didn't you?"

"Maybe." Mark's eyes twinkled mischievously, and he stared down at the Irishman with a sly grin. Jack saw the man lean in, eyes closing. This all seemed too perfect.

It was.

Bob and Wade appeared from nowhere and dumped a ton of snow on them, showing and completely covering the pair. Jack was spitting out snow as Mark leapt from his lap to attack their friends. Jack sat up as Bob declared their win, and Mark agreed that he and Jack would split the cost of hot cocoa and dinner.

"Out of general curiosity, what the hell were you two doing when we arrived?" Wade asked, and Mark blushed. He glanced back at Jack, and he swore he saw a flash of disappointment flash in his gaze.

"Mark tripped, thinking that you were guys were going to hit us with a snowball, and he sat there and insulted me until your arrived for the win." Jack quickly covered up for the man, who grinned deviously.

"What he meant to say was that we were reenacting one of our fanfictions." Mark corrected, and Bob and Wade laughed. They turned, talking about how amusing out would be for the fandom and Jack stood quickly to follow everyone back to the vehicle they'd arrived in. Mark turned must before following the pair and winked.

Despite the cold, Jack felt his face heat up immensely.

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