A Little Help, Please?

Start from the beginning

"Don't talk about her. Please." Jack was not in the mood to talk about this specific girl, especially because he knew she was talking about his ex-girlfriend. After quickly studying his face, Madison understood why Jack would rather not speak about her.

"Alright, then what about Mark? I'm pretty sure he was the one who got Felix and Marzia together, so why not talk to him?"

"'Cause this is about him."

Mark and Jack had been friends since preschool. Mark was sitting alone, playing with the colorful building blocks in the corner of the classroom. Jack had been taunted for his accent, so with nowhere to go, he sat next to Mark. Mark was very quiet, but he scooted over, giving Jack permission to play with him. Ever since then, they were friends, even if they grew up to have many differences.

They both shared a love for video games and computers, but Mark turned to be more isolated than Jack. Jack became on of the 'popular kids' who had countless friends and girls who were interested in him. On the other hand, Mark only had a few friends. Bob, Wade, and Aaron moved away, so he was left with Jack, Madison, and Felix.

Mark was openly gay, so it was tough for him to find a love interest to distract himself from Jack. Jack spent years kissing girls, trying to deny that he liked guys as well. That didn't last for long, so he just accepted himself. As much as he was attracted to girls and guys, none of them would've topped his love for Mark. He had fallen in love with Mark as they grew up together, their time together not being a waste of any sort.

"What do you- oh. Oh." Madison, along with everyone else who knew Jack, was completely oblivious to this. Everyone knew he loved girls, but guys? Now that was something new.

"Yeah, I'm bisexual," Jack stared at the shocked expression that was on Madison's face, "Oh, balls, are you homophobic?"

"N-No! It's just... you? Sean McLaughlin, the ladies man of our school, wants to hook up with nerdy, but strong, Mark Fischbach. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's just unexpected."

"Look, you'll help me, right?"

"Definitely!" A smile made it's way to Jack's face, causing Madison to smile as well. Madison tried to hide the fact that she knew that this wouldn't be a struggle at all. She already knew what to do, and she knew she could easily get Mark and Jack together.


"You did what?" Jack gaped at Madison, tears swelling in his eyes. He thought he was able to trust Madison with this, and she stomped all over that trust like it was nothing.

"Relax, Jack."

"I can't relax! You fucking called Mark and told him about my sexuality a-and told him that I love him! Why'd you have to fucking do that t' me?"

Madison had asked Jack where his bathroom was several minutes ago, but Jack was completely oblivious to the fact that Madison was making a phone call. One could easily say that she was quiet enough not to be heard by anyone. The phone call was to Mark, and she told him everything.


"I told you to fucking help, Madison! I told you-"

"Two weeks ago, Mark told me he loved you. He asked me for help, just like you did, and he told me that he fucking loved you."

"He... He did?"

Madison's phone suddenly rang, Jack choosing to tune out her ringtone. They both stared at her phone as if they had never seen something like it before. They both instantaneously snapped out of their trance, Madison answering the phone before it went to the answering machine without bothering to check who was calling.

"Hello?" she said. When hearing the reply,  she immediately recognized who the voice belonged to, so she put her phone on speaker.

"J-Jack?" a familiar voice stammered. It was Mark.

"Do you really like me?" Jack answered, trying to stay calm. He sniffled as the tears ran down his cheeks, his attention only on Mark.

"I- uh... Yeah, I do. I tried to get help from Madison because I was just too scared to do anything on my own. I'm really sorry if this is weird, and I understand if you want to stay away from me."

"What did Madison tell you?"

"She told me baloney, okay? It's not important-"

"She told you that I love you."

Mark was silent for about a minute before replying, Jack holding his breath. Madison inhaled sharply as Mark finally spoke once again, "Was she lying?"

"No!" Jack snapped back, a little too harshly, "No, she wasn't, you goober. I had a crush on you since, like, middle school."


Madison chose to stay completely silent, not wanting to interfere with anything. Jack and Mark were both at a loss for words, confused on what should be said next. They were both in tears, astounded that this was really happening.

"Do you want to play Wedding Simulator with me, Mark?" Jack asked quietly, slightly chuckling afterwards. It was a silly game that he has been wanted to try out for a while, and maybe he just found the perfect person to play it with.

"I'd love to." Mark smiled, hanging up the phone. Madison left Jack's house without saying any words, only hugging Jack and waving goodbye.

Jack was staring out his window once again, this time waiting for Mark to show up. He arrived very quickly, and with Jack eager to see him, he ran outside to hug Mark. He buried his face in the curve of Mark's neck, mumbling words that could be easily heard as, 'I love you.' Mark whispered those same three words in Jack's ear, the two of them smiling like complete lovestruck idiots.

Without discussing it, they both knew they had to thank Madison for helping, even if all she did was call Mark and tell him Jack's confession. But, without her help, the two long-term friends would've stayed friends, and their love for video games would've been limited to everything but Wedding Simulator. As much of a stupidly fun game it was, they were both happy together, and that's all they could ask for.

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