Start from the beginning

J: hahahaha I knew you'd call
How is it Mon, have u guys decided who will wear it?

M: So it really is something that is supposed to be worn?

J: Wait! Don't tell me...
What do guys think it is?

(Sam and Mon looked at each other with tacit understanding)

M: uhm, a weird and useless baton?

(On the other end of the line, it became quiet for a moment before the loud laughter of Jim came and now Sam and Mon were both sure that whatever this is that Jim gave them is definitely going to cause a headache)

J: Wait! Wait! Let me call the others
One sec

(Jim said this in between her laughter, much to the dismay of Sam and Mon)

S: Why are you disturbing others?! Just answer the question

(Jim totally ignored Sam and proceeded to call Tee and Kade)

T: What is now Jim? We just saw each other like an hour ago, and now you missed us again

J: Shut up, will you. Sam and Mon have something important to ask you guys

(Jim was trying to hold her laughter and was failing miserably)

K: What did u do, Jim?

J: hahaha go on Mon... tell them about the baton, hahahhahah

S: Why are u making a big deal out of this?

We just asked you what it is! You should just answer! You're wasting our time!

(Sam said with hints of anger in her voice. She was losing her patience with Jim. Seeing this, Mon tried to appease her silently by holding her hands)

J: Geez, somebody has a temper

K: Isn't that because of you?

J: hmph! I gifted them something good, and they're not thankful

T: What did you give them?

(Jim was laughing again and had no hints at stopping, so Kade and Tee were forced to look at Mon instead.

Mon was hesitant at first but then decided to answer because she really had no idea what to do with the gift)

M: uhm, I don't really know how to describe it...

Uhmmm, it was like a weird double-sided black soft like baton?

It also comes with like a belt
Me and Sam are just confused about what to do with it

(Hearing this, Tee and Kade were suddenly lost for words, then they looked at Jim again

Jim, on the other hand, was laughing louder now and was even punching the ground with tears on her eyes.

It took a moment before Tee and Kade came back to their senses)

T: uhm, Mon... can I see it? (Tee said borderline cringing)

M: uhm sure

(Mon then grabbed the box and showed it to the gang
Kade now had a grimace on her face, and Tee was well smiling awkwardly at Sam and Mon)

S: Can u just please explain it already so we can all sleep?

J: Are u guys really just going to sleep?

(Sam just glared at Jim)

J: Okay, okay, I've had my fun.
Okay, listen up, Sam and Mon, that's not a baton. That's a double-edged strap on

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