Chapter 157

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Aldridge County is a famous commercial county in the entire Prady Empire and even in the whole of Europe. The main city of Aldridge is also known as the commercial capital, even more than the king's capital.

Although this is an inland county, its development is no worse than that of several large coastal ports. Many people like to do business here for development. It can be said that it is a holy place in the hearts of businessmen. Patriarch Aldridge painstakingly managed to come.

Satinson and his party took a day off, and the next day they were arranged to visit this prosperous commercial capital.

At the instigation of Salina, Adonis invited Dolores alone. The two did not even bring servants. They changed their clothes to travel alone, that is, on a date, while Elina and Prince Andrew came to Audrey It's been a while. One was born and raised and has no interest in the city, let alone going out shopping in winter. The other has already visited the city and wants to stay with his wife and stay in the castle together. So in the end, only Salina took Felix and Wei Wei to visit the city alone.

Aldrich is a colder city than Madison. It started to snow in November, but it was only light snow. Usually, it melted during the day after a while at night, but it was also hidden, and it was always cold outside.

Wei Wei's current physique is not very cold, but she used to be afraid of cold, so she was still afraid of cold, so she still took adequate measures to keep warm before going out. It is also a thick section of pure cashmere woven, and a pair of cashmere pants of the same material are worn under the skirt as a base. The long skirt is also covered with a thick black cloak. Padded with thick fleece, it is gentle, waterproof, and non-slip to wear. A pair of leather gloves on his hands wraps around his slender and slender fingers, and the hood is around the hood. The whole body is completely hidden except for his face.

In addition, she also prepared an umbrella, which can be used to keep out the snow if it snows.

However, Salina's dress is not inferior to her. From head to toe, it should be a necessary measure for women to go out during this period.

Salina took them to the most prosperous part of Oder City, where all kinds of shops were opened. Even in winter, the business of the shops was not affected, and there was an endless stream of customers coming and going. Everything can be bought here.

They came out in a carriage. Salina introduced Wei Wei to the shops on both sides along the way. She said that she would recommend them to Wei Wei if she was familiar with them. If she was interested, let the coachman stop and have a look. The desire to shop is always strong. After seeing a store, the two simply stopped riding in the carriage and switched to walking. They wandered from store to store, and unknowingly, they followed in the carriage behind them. , The roof of the car is full of things bought back.

Felix, as an escort, felt tired just by helping them to buy things, but they could continue to walk to the next house without getting tired at all.

I got to a store with the best location and the largest shop on this street, but the door was closed.

In front of the store, a chubby man dressed as a servant looked like he had been waiting for a long time. When he saw them coming, he immediately stepped forward and saluted.

"Good afternoon, Countess."

When she saw him, Salina remembered that she had to go out for business that day. She pointed to the closed shop turned to Wei Wei and said, "There is the shop that Adonis helped you to pay attention to, you go and have a look first. , if you are not satisfied, you can find it again."

Naturally, I am satisfied. How prosperous this street is. Wei Wei and Felix have already felt this way. There are so many passengers and the area is located at the junction of the crossroad. This shop is very popular. If it weren't for Adonis Helping to find them because they are unfamiliar with the city of Oder, they wouldn't come to see them, and they are afraid that they will be taken away early in the morning.

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