Chapter 53

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The servant Felix sent to the next county to sell pasta completed his task. Not only did he exchange the pasta he brought out in exchange for the equivalent wheat, but he also brought back a lot of repeat customers for Sardinson County. Among these repeat customers. Some of them are nobles, but more are businessmen who have heard the news. They have brought a lot of supplies to Sardinson County that are lacking locally, and they have also given the Sardinsons who have some money on hand recently to spend money. The place.

These merchants all gathered in Dingle, which is the closest town to Fort Sardinson and the most prosperous one, and the pasta factories in the other two towns would deliver the dried pasta to Dingle came to sell with the pasta here, but Claude shipped most of the pasta not long ago, and the subsequent production could not satisfy the latecomers. The late merchants didn't want to go home empty-handed, so they Had to wait in town for a while.

While waiting, merchants found that there are many special and valuable goods in Sardinson, such as meat sauce and lemon sauce, which have recently appeared, and are agreed to be very popular, but the production of both is less than pasta That's it.

These businessmen stay in Dingle, and naturally, they have to eat and stay. The only tavern in the town cannot accommodate all the guests. The townsmen's houses have become their second choice. Compared with the tavern, the lower house price is very popular. , If there is a woman who is good at cooking in the family, it is easier to pull the guest.

After Nissen and his deputy Peter arrived at Dingle, they did not go to the castle immediately. Instead, they found a family of townspeople and rented their spare room there. One silver coin can be rented for half a month, and a meal is included. This price was impossible to open in Sardinson County in the past. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many outsiders recently, the housing supply was tight, and everyone had increased the price at the same time, they could rent a room for one silver coin a month.

But this price is very cheap compared to other areas, and the latter does not include food.

After spending a day in Dingle Town and getting acquainted with this small town, they were ready to go to Sardinson Castle.

The owner of the rented house told them: "If you want to go to the castle, you can ask those coachmen to take you for a ride, that is, the carriages at the town entrance. They run back and forth several times a day. You only need to pay a little fare."

Neeson and Peter went to the coachman according to the landlord's instructions, and they saw such a group of people at the entrance of the town.

These coachmen were hired by Felix to transport the goods. On weekdays, they mainly transported the bolognese and lemon curd produced by the castle to the town to sell to those foreign merchants and then returned the ordered glass jars and other items for the castle.

They usually do it with one or two people to the castle, as long as there is room in the carriage, so when Neeson and Peter asked, the coachman said yes.

Sitting in the spare seat of the carriage, Peter said to Nissen with a look of emotion: "Saddinson County doesn't look poor at all. I now believe that the Count here really intends to build a concrete road."

Neeson also had the same idea. Although Sardinson County does not look very good, judging from the degree of the merchants' preference for local goods, the Earl of Williams is probably very rich.

When they arrived at the castle, they found that it was even more lively than Dingle Town.

At the gate of the castle, carriages filled with goods came in and out in an endless stream. In the atrium, hundreds of women were busy, and the scene of loud voices was something they could not see in other noble castles.

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