Chapter 172

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After drinking a bowl of medicine, it took more than half an hour for the medicine to exert its effect. After that, Wei Wei took the king's pulse again. He felt that his pulse was more stable than before, and he knew that the detoxification effect of the medicine had begun to work.

She also added some nourishing herbs that are beneficial to the body in the detoxification decoction. The king was originally a healthy man. Now he has been bedridden for two months, and he has been in a coma for the past two days. Not only is his appearance thinner, but his body is also stronger than before. There is a lot of emptiness. If you want to return to the previous level of health, you have to increase your efforts to recuperate.

There are still several hours before the next medicine, they can't stay here forever, and it's not suitable for them to stay in the master bedroom of the former queen, so the steward quietly tidied up not far from the king's bedroom. Rest room.

Wei Wei, Felix, and others have already made preparations to live in the palace today. Before the king wakes up, it is impossible for the steward to let them go, so they have no opinion on such an arrangement.

"Time is in a hurry. If there is anything inappropriate, please forgive me, but please rest assured, the quilts are all new and very clean."

After the manager brought people over, he was still apologizing. What he said was not polite. There should have been guests in this room, but after the people who lived there before were kicked out along with other nobles, the room was cleaned up again. It has passed, but because the original guests are full, and they are likely to come back, so many things that are not so important are still in the room that are too late to clean up, and the general manager cleans up here again, just lock the personal items inside. Get up and invite them to check in again, such an arrangement is inevitably a bit inappropriate.

Wei Wei didn't choose, as long as the bed was clean.

Afterward, the manager also said that the maids' residences were not ready for the time being, and I'm afraid they would not be able to arrange for them to rest until the evening.

This is to wait for the king to wake up and then arrange it. Now that the news of the king's unconsciousness has been blocked, to prevent being discovered, the general manager naturally has to arrange it carefully.

Wei Wei checked the bed and made sure that it was a new one. It still smelled like the sun was burning on it. She retracted her hand in satisfaction, and turned to ask the manager, "After Your Majesty's illness, haven't the queens and princes come to visit him?"

The steward now regards her as a life-saving straw and is still brooding about the fact that she said that the king was poisoned. When it comes to the king's illness, he naturally knows all about it: "It was there at first, but then His Majesty's sober time became shorter and shorter. Don't let them visit anymore."

It's not that the king suddenly fell into a coma now. Since his body became weak, the daily sleep time began to increase, and even before he fell asleep, there were signs of being unable to sleep for a long time.

Wei Wei, "So, how long ago did you stop them from visiting?"

The steward recalled for a moment and replied, "Your Highness the Queen was about a month ago. According to the two princes, half a month ago, they could still visit the king when he was sober, but after that, the king also ordered them not to come again. ."

Although the king was a romantic one, he was kind to his only two sons.

A month ago, the time was right again.

Wei Wei "So, did they do anything when they came to visit?"

When the general manager heard the words, she realized why she asked these "What do you mean? Next...the king's condition has something to do with them?"

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