Chapter 22

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The next day, Wei Wei woke up early in the morning.

Her work and rest time have become stable in recent days when there is no nightlife and can't stay up late. Unlike the nobles who do not get up until nearly ten o'clock, she only gets up at six or seven o'clock almost every day.

Because there were no clocks in the West at this time, and they could only rely on sundial timekeeping, Wei Wei's accurate grasp of time came from the system's timekeeping.

She once thought about whether to find a way to get a timer such as a pocket watch from the system, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

The maids were accustomed to her getting up early, and not long after she woke up, there was a knock on the door.

Following Wei Wei's answer, Qin and Penny walked in with toiletry tools.

In addition to the usual face wash tools, there are now more toothbrushes and toothpaste.

The handle of this toothbrush was cut by a carpenter. The slender one was flat at one end, and two rows of holes were punched on it. Horsehair, which is softer than pig bristles, was inserted into the holes and then fixed at the back.

To prevent it from depleting, Wei Wei also tried many times before succeeding.

With a toothbrush, toothpaste is of course indispensable. Thanks to the system, Wei Wei, who is proficient in medicine, remembers the formula of tooth powder in traditional Chinese medicine. Unfortunately, the herbs in the formula were not available in Sardinson County, so she turned to the encyclopedia library. From it, I found a recipe invented in ancient Egypt: Grind 1% oz of rock salt and dried iris flowers, 2% oz of mint, and 20 peppercorns into powder, and the ground powder will turn into a paste when it hits saliva. This can be said to be the earliest toothpaste.

There are other recipes, but this one is the easiest to make, because peppercorns are very expensive, and it's okay to use them all the time, but it's too extravagant to use them all the time, so Wei Wei is planning to take time to learn about Europe after she's been busy for a while. of herbal medicine to find suitable substitutes.

After all, what she has obtained from the system are all medicines and poisons that are suitable for the East, and the herbs she knows are naturally the types of the East. If she wants to make her medical skills useful in the West, she must first find out what is available here. Herbs that can be used.

I am once again fortunate that I got the encyclopedia library, which is a treasure trove.

Because the newly made toothpaste was too expensive, Wei Wei gave Felix and Dolores the first batch of toothpaste and toothbrush. Wei Wei bought a handkerchief embroidered by herself.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Wei Wei touched her fair and delicate face and felt that in addition to alternative toothpaste, research on skin care products and cosmetics should be put on the agenda earlier.

All kinds of cosmetics and skin care products that are popular among noble women now Wei Wei was prepared for her by the maids when she stayed in Sardinson Castle, but she did not dare to use them at all. She likes to use lead-containing cosmetics for sure. If she doesn't want to poison herself, she'd better not touch it at all.

After finally taking care of herself, Wei Wei put on the cloak, and the veil and went downstairs.

At this time, Dolores hadn't woken up yet, and Wei Wei had something to do, so she ate something to fill her stomach first and turned to ask where the housekeeper was.

Although the butler did not need to wait because Felix was away, he was in charge of the servants of the entire castle and was very busy every day.

Fortunately, when Wei Wei was looking for him, he was just about to come over and tell Wei Wei that all the things that the slaves had collected yesterday had been collected.

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