Chapter 71

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On the day after the wedding, it was rare for the servants of Earl Williams to not see the Count and the newly appointed Countess, who always got up early in the morning.

Even until noon, no one saw them come out of the room.

As a maid, Penny wondered if she needed to knock on the door to remind her two masters that they had missed lunch.

She told Qin: "I think if I knock on the door now, the Count and Madam will probably ignore me, and even the Count may be very angry."

Qin nodded: "It's not possible, it's definitely."

Don't look at their Count's temperament, it's really scary to get angry.

Penny was very anxious: "But if we don't knock on the door, they'll miss lunch."

Remind the masters to get up to eat, but it is their duty as a maid.

Penny was torn between negligence.

Qin was much calmer, so she said, "It doesn't matter if you miss it, the kitchen will always prepare it, to ensure that when adults and madams get up, there will be hot food to eat."

It seems to be the case, Penny: "There is also hot water, and this should also be prepared. I think Madam will need it when she gets up."

Don't look at her as a young girl, but she knows about the kind of things between men and women, and she has even watched the process directly. The openness of Europeans is not a joke. The lovers who stole joy, and the men and women who quietly left in the middle of the banquet, who knows where they are going and what they are doing?

Qin agreed: "Yes, the kitchen will also prepare enough hot water for bathing, for two people."

Although my self-knowledge is only a common love of cleanliness, Wei Wei's love of cleanliness is considered cleanliness in the eyes of the maids. Affected by her, the people of Sardinsonburg began to pay attention to hygiene, especially their Count. most affected.

So it is very necessary to prepare hot water the day after the wedding night.

They discussed everything they needed to prepare before the masters got up, and the tacit decision not to knock on the door was annoying.

And one of the parties in the conversation opened his eyes in the dim room at this time.

The room covered by heavy curtains was severely lacking in light. Wei Wei opened her eyes in a daze, her consciousness was not awake for a moment, as if she was still in a dream. There was no response to the heat from the broad chest that was attached to it.

When her consciousness began to wake up, she was not frightened by it. The amazing memory came into play again at this moment. Before the fright struck, she already remembered what it was like now.

She got married just yesterday, and now sleeping beside her is her husband.

This cognition floated through her mind, and Wei Wei relaxed.

And they experienced a long and exciting night last night. The sequelae of over-exercise still lingered in her body, which caused her back pain and weakness in her limbs. By the way, there was an indescribable place that was burning and uncomfortable.

Thinking of what happened last night, Wei Wei's face, who had just relaxed, was hot, and her memory was too good.

Physical and mental exhaustion made her hesitant to get up, but her empty stomach was telling her master that it needed food.

If you don't eat it, you'll probably have to protest drumming.

"Wake up?" The man who was hugging her behind him didn't know how long he had been awake. After sensing that his new wife seemed to be awake, he propped up his upper body, leaned in from behind, lifted the broken hair on her forehead, branded a kiss, lifted again, changed positions, and kissed her lips.

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