Chapter 65

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Getting the king's permission is as simple as Felix thinks. Felix has paid a lot of taxes to His Majesty the King recently, and he is very favored by the king. The king is willing to give this face.

The most important point is that the gangsters who knew that they intended to kidnap Wei Wei were instructed by the nobles - after the initial worry, the king also realized that the gangsters were not targeting him - but now the investigation team has not caught the culprit behind it. , even the corpses of the gangsters that may die are being picked up by Felix, and the incompetence of the people under his hands makes the king feel a little embarrassed and guilty when facing Felix.

But no matter how embarrassed and guilty, the king already has the idea of ​​not going to investigate further. The previous search of the nobles has attracted the dissatisfaction of the nobles, but they haven't caught anyone yet, and if they continue to make trouble, they will probably have A joint protest.

In this way, I feel a little sorry for Felix. For this reason, the king generously agreed to his request, not to mention that Felix sent him a sum of money.

Even the king is short of money.

After receiving the compensation, the king turned a blind eye to Felix's recruitment of free people. Anyway, those people would go to the slave market by themselves if they couldn't survive, and sell it to anyone.

If there is no one to obstruct, the recruitment will be much simpler. Don't look at the fact that Felix's visit to the capital is just an accident. Felix has already planned to recruit freemen in various places, and naturally, he has no intention of letting go of the capital.

Kingsley personally led a team to the Xiacheng District to recruit free people. Anyone willing to become a serf could receive "sell money". This fee is based on the current market price of the slave market. The price is different according to the age. For example, the adult labor force is worth almost a gold coin, which is equivalent to a plowing horse, while the price of the older and younger serfs is cut in half, and the price is different for men and women.

(This shows how profitable Wei Wei's business is.)

Of course, if they are skilled or sold as slaves, the price will be higher, but they are serfs, and the price is already very favorable.

So there are a lot of people in line, but not everyone is willing to give up their status as free people. Compared with selling themselves, more people choose to sell their children and sell their daughters.

Whether it is in the East or the West, the general public has a characteristic that the poorer the family, the more children they have, because they must have as many children as possible to ensure that some of them live smoothly to adulthood.

In many cases, children are also part of the property. When they can't survive, they can sell the children of the right age in exchange for the chance for others to live.

No one thinks there is anything wrong with this, there are many such cases every year when the cold winter comes, and most of the people who are sold are girls.

The children who were brought by their parents were numb, and they had accepted such a fate. Some good-looking girls even showed a hint of happiness. If the Count was not recruiting serfs, girls like them would most likely be sold. The place is the brothel run by the church and nobles.

In comparison, it is better to be a serf.

Standing behind the temporarily moved table, Kingsley looked at the large line of spectacles in front of the table with a headache, and the girls were all around ten to twelve years old.

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