Chapter 134

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In addition to the invited knights themselves, this group of visitors from the capital also brought a lot of followers and subordinates. For example, ordinary knights will be accompanied by at least one knight attendant, and those with higher conditions will inevitably bring a real one. Servants, and nobles with titles like Aaron and Adonis, even if they don't want to go out without a few guards and servants, will be considered very rude. This is the so-called noble pomp.

So when such a large group of people rode into Felix's territory, it immediately attracted the attention of others.

Today's Sloot population is steadily recovering. Once the population is large, the defense issues that need attention naturally also need to be paid attention to. Therefore, from Princia to Sloot, and then to Sardinson behind, it takes a lot of money on the way. Lix sent soldiers to add several levels to check the business trips along the way. Of course, since the knights under his hands have other jobs, he can't send more people temporarily, so the soldiers on these levels are also temporarily by Slo. The two knights in the county who were transferred to lead the patrol were responsible for arranging the defense and deployment.

Unlike other places, they are only responsible for checking whether there is any problem with the goods brought by the merchants in the past, whether the origin is normal, and whether there is anything mixed in with robbers. Although there will be some benefits in private, the serious tolls are not Received.

Allen and his party were too conspicuous, and they were stopped at the first level to ask about the origin, so they hadn't reached the castle yet, and Felix had already received the news earlier and opened the gate to welcome him. My friends.

In particular, he also heard that among this group of visitors, there were representatives sent by the king. Felix was overjoyed but had to be more cautious.

Wei Wei naturally followed him to greet those guests.

After resting in the bedroom for about four weeks, since she recovered well, this month was almost over, so Wei Wei followed Felix to the city gate and waited for others. It can be said that she left the castle for the first time after giving birth and made a public appearance.

Wei Wei has recovered well during this period, but in almost a month, her belly has lost weight, leaving no unsightly stretch marks, and the size of her waist is as slender as ever. Her breasts, which had changed a lot during breastfeeding, became more prominent, and she also had a mother's brilliance on her body. She still looked like a girl who didn't know the world.

If she looks like this in the eyes of people who don't know her, I'm afraid no one will think that she is a new mother who has just given birth.

The baby was not brought out. The weather in June has already started to get hot. In this kind of weather, it is okay for the child who is about to be full moon to come out. Even for the sake of the child, it is best to bring the baby out to bask in the sun every day. more conducive to their growth and health.

But this time it was to welcome guests, and most of these guests were riding horses, and the scene would inevitably be dusty. This was not a scene suitable for a baby, so Wei Wei handed over the sleeping child to the maid who took care of him, and only hoped that he wouldn't wake up before she went back, otherwise the child who couldn't see his mother would probably cry endlessly.

Originally, if only his friends were visiting, Felix and Wei Wei would have been enough to greet them together, but with the addition of Earl Aldridge, the representative of the royal family, Felix had to send Dolores and Caroline together. They all called together to show their respect and sincerity to the royal family.

A group of people with servants lined up under the city gate to wait for the visitors. Felix's time was calculated very well. They didn't wait too long, and the soldiers on the city wall told them that those people were coming.

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