Chapter 110

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There has been a lot of good stuff going on in Sardinson recently.

With the return of Lord Count, another good news also followed, reaching everyone's ears.

Their countess, pregnant!

This news, whether it is for nobles or commoners, as long as it is for people in Sardinson County, is important.

It represents that shortly, this increasingly prosperous land will finally usher in a new heir.

Many people even breathed a sigh of relief.

For the territorial people, the more stable life is, the better, but if they are fully aware that their life is getting better, it is acceptable to be less stable, and no one wants to live a better life.

And now in Sardinson County, even the barons who were suppressed by Felix had to admit that it was better than ever, and it would be better and better visible to the naked eye.

So even these barons hope that this prosperity and stability can continue.

And an heir is a must.

Everyone hopes that the Countess's child is a boy. Think of the Count's elder brother. If he didn't have only one daughter, how could this land fall into the hands of the Count's lord? Although it is precisely because of this, that Sardinson County only became what it is now, at the beginning, it did have a short period of unease and turmoil.

Especially now that there is only one male in the Williams family, Lord Earl. If there are no other male heirs after him, then the glory and everything of this family will belong to the other males, but who knows what it will be like. As for the people, it will never be better than it is now.

Therefore, everyone sincerely hopes that the Earl's child will be a healthy boy.

"Can I touch him?" Dolores arrived at the castle two days later than Felix. As soon as she came back, she heard the good news. She sat beside Wei Wei and looked at Wei Wei's belly expectantly.

And in this expectation, there is also a mixture of nervousness and worry, as if afraid of Wei Wei's rejection.

There is no difference from the past. It is flat without a single bulge, but there is already a baby inside. How incredible.

Dolores is very fond of children, which can be seen from the fact that she is always willing to play with Caroline, even giving her her favorite doll, Amy.

——Of course, there is no shortage of pity for each other because of the similar experiences between the two.

And now, she will soon have another nephew.

Wei Wei smiled casually. It seemed that everyone thought that there would be a boy in her stomach. Although she hoped so, this kind of thing would not cater to the wishes of human beings. It was too early to say whether it was a boy or a girl.

But even she hopes that the first child will be a boy. It has nothing to do with sexism or son preference, but if it is a boy, a lot of trouble can be avoided.

"Of course." She took the initiative to grab Dolores' hand, put it on her stomach, and asked her after a while, "How do you feel?"

"Nothing." Dolores stared at Wei Wei's belly with a blank look on her face. Is there her little nephew in it?

Her puzzled expression was too obvious, Wei Wei explained with a smile: "The fetus is still too small, so naturally I can't feel anything now. Have you never seen a pregnant woman before?"

"I've seen it. I've seen it when Sister-in-law Peina was pregnant." Dolores didn't change her feelings much when she heard the elder sister-in-law who died in childbirth: "But she never let me get close."

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