Chapter 93

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In the past, the wheat maturity in Sardinson County was basically in the middle and late June, and it would even be delayed until July. This is also the wheat maturity time of other regions on the same latitude in Europe. The difference is not big.

But this year, because I learned a lot of field management knowledge and increased the rational use of fertilizers, the crops generally grew better than in previous years, and they also matured earlier.

Taking Sardinia as an example, after Wei Wei decided to harvest some of the mature wheat fields to replant oats earlier, she found that the wheat fields in the manor were mature in advance, but some of the wheat fields had already entered the wax maturity stage for the best harvest, and some were still It is in the mature stage, and it will take a while for it to wait.

This time is only in the first ten days of June, and the serfs did not expect the wheat to grow so fast. Most people judge when the wheat is mature according to the past time, and ignore the diligent use of some of the fertilizers. The fast-growing wheat has reached the point where it will start to reduce production if it is not harvested.

This situation happened in Felix's private plot, which is the lord's land. Whether it is field management or fertilizer use, it is more delicate than the land rented by the serfs themselves, but if I want to say, the serfs are more concerned about It is still their land. They will stare at the wheat in their fields every day to check whether they are ripe, but they will not care about the situation in the count's fields every day. Plus this year, the wheat looked better than in previous years, serfs were all excitedly guessing how much harvest they could have in their fields, and they ignored the count's private plots a little bit, which led to the fact that some of the wheat in the private plots quietly entered the wax-ripening stage, and they didn't notice it.

The wax ripening period of triticale is 3-5 days. After this period, the wheat will enter the full-ripening period, and the wheat grains in the full-ripening period will begin to turn yellow and hard, and the notice of water loss will also consume a lot of money due to the respiration of the wheat. The organic matter leads to the loss of nutrients. In addition, the situation of wheat shattering and shattering will also increase, which will eventually lead to lower yields. Therefore, the best harvest time is the three or five days of the wax ripening period.

But in the past, everyone used the experience to start harvesting after the wheat had completely turned yellow, because they had no concept of nutrition and believed that harvesting the yellow wheat could save time for drying, and it would be fine if the wheat grains fell out. Gleaming with sacks, so the green wheat that hasn't fully receded at the wax-ripening stage isn't ready for harvest in their opinion.

But they didn't know these things, but Wei Wei knew very well. When she wanted to harvest ahead of schedule, she ordered the stewards to check the fields and told them that as long as the wheat plants in the fields were yellow from top to bottom, with a green belt in the middle Yes, it can be harvested.

So they happened to catch up with the wax maturity of the wheat. This time is nearly ten days earlier than last year.

After checking again, they found that the wheat in the manor this year generally showed signs of early maturity, which means that the harvest time this year is earlier than in previous years.

The first wheat to be harvested was from private plots. The serfs were used to giving priority to the nobles. Every year, the harvest started from the earl's private plot. This year, because Wei Wei asked to harvest the wheat before it turned yellow, many serfs were Not very happy, I think this will affect the collection.

"The weather is so good this year, and it hasn't rained recently, so there's no need to hurry up to harvest. Wouldn't it be better to let the wheat dry in the field?"

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