Chapter 94

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Lord Earl is indeed not short of money, they are short of warehouses now.

This year, the output of wheat is much more than expected. Not to mention the warehouse in the castle can't hold it, even the warehouses of the three pasta factories are a little tight. The pasta factory's warehouse has stored a lot of it before buying it from other places. The wheat that came back has not been used up, and now we have to add new wheat, and the warehouse is already full.

Especially now that the warehouse is only part of the tax deduction that the tax officer has collected, and they will buy more from the people in the future. At this time, the harvest of wheat has not ended, and the part of the tax deduction is almost there. There's nowhere to put it.

According to their estimates, this year's total wheat production has tripled compared to previous years. As soon as the result came out, Felix hugged Wei Wei and kissed her hard, more than when she knew that she had more productive wheat in her hands. Be excited.

After all, there is only so much high-yielding wheat that they don't know how long it will be before they can be planted across the county, and now their harvests are skyrocketing.

Wei Wei didn't expect the whole county's wheat harvest to be so good this year. She felt that this was entirely a blessing from God, giving Sardinson good weather, otherwise fertilizer alone would not work.

"Let's call people to build a few granaries first."

Felix nodded. He had to prepare quickly. He couldn't wait until there was no place to pile the wheat outside. If it happened to rain, it would be troublesome.

However, they couldn't continue to pay attention to this matter. News came from the capital that the Pope and his party had left the capital, and when the news came back, they should have almost arrived in Princia.

But the church didn't send a letter to Felix, so I don't know if there are other plans.

For example, arriving in Sardinson County early before they know it so that they can't always drive people out.

With this concern, the couple had to invite Master Raymond in advance, ordered a hundred knights to them, and rushed to Princia in advance to prepare for the Pope.

That's right, we want to keep everyone in Princia, and even Sloot is not allowed to enter. After all, there are only two serfs living in a broken fishing village on Sloot's side. Although the house is already being built, it is just ordinary How can the huts where the commoners live, how can they live for the Pope and his party?

Therefore, we will not entertain you. You can stay in Princia as a guest. People who want to come there will greet you very warmly.

The nobles brought a group of knights into the territory of other nobles, naturally, they needed to say hello in advance, and the (future) master of Princia was Ellen, Felix only needed to say a word to pass.

Although Alan was not in Princia, he had already written a letter to arrange everything, and by the way, he asked the nobles in the territory to cooperate with Felix and keep the visiting group in Princia.

So it was true that the plan was to bring people into the church in Satinson before Felix could react, but it was a miscalculation.

The ship that the Pope was on was the most common galley in the Mediterranean before the sixteenth century, and it was also the most common warship in the Mediterranean during this period - the three-oared warship. The bow of this wooden warship is equipped with bronze rams. In the event of a naval battle, this kind of warship will rely on its speed and maneuverability to collide with the side of the enemy ship, followed by the collision. The oars of enemy ships.

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