Start from the beginning

Sam was finally ready to leave everything behind and introduce me to the world, and then there I was vehemently denying myself the chance to be loved freely.

Tsk! I'm really sorry, Sam
Just give me a little bit more time
I promise I'll stand beside you proudly one day!

But for now, let's take a step forward together)

M: Awww, look who found her tongue!
You really say the sweetest things sometimes, Sam.

(Mon then hugged Sam tighter and kissed her.
When she had enough, she then let go of her hug and slowly stood up, which made Sam frown from the lack of her warmth and cuddles)

S: Why?
(Sam asked with a pout)

M: Stay here. I'll be right back, love

(Mon didn't even give Sam the chance to reply and immediately turn around and left the room

This made Sam's mood sour, and so she closed her eyes again, trying to even out her mood

It didn't take long for Mon to come back

Sam still throwing a tantrum, pretended to have not noticed anything, and kept her eyes closed

She wanted to continue her act and was successful at it, that was before Mon placed something heavy in front of her, then licked her ear before she huskily whispered)

M: Still pretending to be asleep?
Do you want to be punished, my love?

(Hearing this, Sam froze, and she felt her skin crawl. Tsk! I am no pushover. I am not scared of Mon!
I...I will only open my eyes because I am curious, that's all hmph!)

S: What's all this?

(Sam was flabbergasted. She looked at Mon curiously, then gestured toward the wide spread of food displayed before her)

M: uhm, breakfast in bed?

S: What's the occasion?

M: Can't I be nice if there is no occasion?

S: hmmmm.
did you cook all of this for me, Mon?

(Mon just answered with a smile and simply nodded proud of herself)

S: Since when were you awake?

M: hmmmm probably about 4-5 hrs ago?

S: What? But why? Wait! What time is it now?

M: It's around 4 in the afternoon, Love.

You've been sleeping like a log for almost the entire day

S: Whaaaat? Why didn't you wake me up then?

I just wasted an entire day, Mon! Tsk!
Didn't you promise me that you'll marry me today? Or was that all just a joke to you?

M: Sigh. There you go again, Sam.
Why do you keep thinking that?
Didn't I already say that I will marry you?

S: Then why didn't you wake me up???

M: I did try love, but you just didn't budge.
You looked so exhausted, and I felt bad trying to wake you

I thought after a while that I might just as well let you sleep more
I know your body needed it after everything we've been through.
There will always be other days.

S: But... but... didn't u promise that you'll marry me today?

M: yeeeeep

S: Then why didn't u wake me up????
You should've tried harder!
The city hall has already closed for today, Mon!!!

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