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In Aturia

"You have to promise me that you will listen to this story with an open mind," Hinata says. "Not everything is always as straightforward as it seems."

"OK," Naruto says.

"First it is important that you understand the Beast Clan and Beast Kingdom are different. The Beast Clan is the species made up of beasts, our equivalent would be the human race. Animals start with an intellectual disadvantage to humans, that is why it is harder and rarer for them to break through. Once upon a time Michel was just an ordinary horse. When he understood 'serenity' and became a class 1 warrior, that is when he became a member of the Beast Clan, that is when he learned to talk and when he became intelligent. The Beast Kingdom is different, it is a ruling hierarchy with a king and his subordinates. Not all members of the Beast Clan are part of the Beast Kingdom, but most join that hierarchy willingly.

"The hierarchy formed before the war, back when the world was made up of smaller nations, the Beast Kingdom were the power behind one such nation. Back then humanity's kings and queens didn't get along with one another, often fighting wars over land and power. The Beast Kingdom was fundamentally the same as any other kingdom, except with one difference. Humans and beasts were free to roam any of the human kingdoms, the royals of the time didn't see any reason to stop them. The Beast Kingdom was not willing to accept anyone who was not a beast in their borders. One of their kings was very anti-human.

"When the Dark Dimension invaded the Beast Kingdom joined the war against them. Homeworld was their world as well, they had just as much interest in stopping that invasion as the human kingdoms. At the start of the war the Beast King wasn't as strong as modern royals, most royals were much weaker back then. He was one of the first to die when the invasion happened, it was a threat from the Dark Dimension to the rest of the world.

"As you know Yuuki Terukatsu tried to organise a resistance movement on behalf of the humans, but unity did not come easily to us. The War Council was formerly a place where the human kingdom's sent their warriors to air their enmity. My father emerged during the war with his elite team, my mother, my uncle and Furst Jonas, together they unified the humans of Homeworld. My father did travel to the Beast Kingdom and met the new king, petitioning him for an alliance. That Beast King was a rival of my father's, he refused that alliance, favouring the isolation they had always enjoyed.

"My father went on to defeat the Empress of the Dark Dimension and became the first emperor of Homeworld. He brought unity to the humans of Homeworld and consolidated the old kingdoms into seven larger ones. He ruled Okarin as King and Homeworld as Emperor and other royals were selected for Aturia, Ewoa, Gavaria, Seblix, Cheqitori and Fayoth. It was at this point that the problems truly started to begin. Almost all of Homeworld was united under human control, and the isolated Beast Kingdom was still the tiny patch of land they had before in North Seblix.

"The new royals worked hard to strengthen relations between their new kingdoms. There was lots of new trade, they began to exchange culture and critical resources, information was also shared on a scale we had never seen before. Humanity was thriving, but the Beast Kingdom was now backed into a corner. They asked for help with critical resources and they wanted to trade necessities, but why would anyone trade with them? Before humanity traded with them because we needed to do so, but we knew they hated us. Now that it was no longer required of us, why trade with people who disliked us so intensely?

"My father saw that this was a problem, but he did try not to interfere in the running of the kingdoms. There was only one viable trade partner for the Beast Kingdom, that was Seblix. The Tyrant King was not willing to give them anything that could help the Beast King to rival him, that didn't change when Nadia became queen either. There was nothing we could do, our own unity had to come first. We couldn't throw that away for people who had always hated us. As you can imagine that made the Beast Kingdom desperate.

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