Chapter 37

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The Circle, 3 Years Later

Shikadai smiles for a moment as he looks around him, in this moment everything seems right. In these 3 years, he has consolidated the power he came to understand while fighting Jashin, in these 3 years, he has earnt his place. He is surrounded by the most elite shinobi in history, by Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Naruto, by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Hatake Kakashi. Previously he had always believed that he was too weak to stand in the same room as these people, too pathetic to engage with them. That is no longer true though, he deserves to be here, he is their administrator.

It has become normal in these meetings to discuss relatively mundane issues compared to what they used to. For three years, ever since the Jashin incident, they have enjoyed peace and all the perks that come with it. Guarded by Tsunade and protected by Boruto, the peace has been sustained and not a single attack has come from Clyde or his invaders. This is what they have been fighting for, this is a victory, if only a small one.

"OK, let's move onto the next item on the agenda" Shikadai smiles as he looks away from the various Kage. Looking down at his clipboard, a certain subject, particularly relevant to today's meeting, is next. "As you will notice, you have all been required to attend the Circle today".

"That's been pleasantly rare lately" Hiruzen notes, causing a chuckle to pass through the room.

"Yes, it has been good" Shikadai admits. "However, there is of course a reason why you must all be present for this discussion, it's something I'm sure we all know about. We are here to hold talks about the success of our new shinobi academy".

The shinobi academy was first proposed three years ago, a school through which not only ninjutsu would be taught but also the power used by the invaders. It was created to breed a new line of defence, a new generation of warriors who could fight should war ever return to this world.

"May I say a few words?" Shinki politely asks as he rises to his feet.

His cousin smiles, three years ago Shinki was admitted back to the Circle having betrayed many of his friends in the village. It is good to see that he is a fully functional member, not only of the village, but of this governmental body as well. "Lord Kazekage" Shikadai gestures for Shinki to continue.

"I would like to say thank you to each one of you for the efforts you have put forward in setting up this academy" Shinki praises. "This has been a joint project between our two villages, it has involved a few children from the Hidden Sand and many from the Hidden Leaf".

"Don't worry about it" Sarada smiles as she waves her hand dismissively, "Our villages sharing an academy is the only sensible thing to do".

The Hidden Sand had only one surviving shinobi in the war, the Kazekage himself. Other than that, the only survivors were a small group of civilians, largely consisting of adults. The lack of children and shinobi from the Sand meant that even if they had wanted to set up their own academy, it would be impossible to do so.

"Yes, I know but what I wish to praise is how welcoming and accommodating you have been. The children of the Sand have settled in well and are having fun in their studies". The Kazekage recites these reviews with a smile on his face. Shinki is responsible for a very small group of civilians and talks to them frequently enough to know them each on a first-name basis. "To that end, I would like to thank the Leaf on behalf of the Sand. Thank you".

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