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The Military Academy

Sora sits down and is immediately pleased with how comfortable the chair is. This chair was 'created' by Sarada, along with the platform it is on and the hundreds of chairs in front of it. The 9th Hokage has created everything here, in the decimated region of in the middle of the academy, so that he can speak to as many people as possible all at once. It's time for him to tell the students what he needs to tell them so that they will be ready to go out into the world on take on Furst Jonas. This is his contribution to the preparations for war.

Nina sits on the edge of the platform, raised slightly above the money students and cups her hands around her mouth. "Alright, settle down," she yells at the students, just loud enough for those at the back to hear. The shinobi and the military fall silent. "There's a lot you need to know and not enough time, so you need to shut up and listen."

Sora glances at Nina, "Thank you, Nina."

"OK, since we don't have a lot of time, there are important things you need to know, all of you. Since the shinobi amongst you have only recently arrived in Homeworld, you will know next to nothing about us. And, since the rest of you were in the military you've actually spent the majority of your life away from this world, and lots of key information has been kept from you. A lot of important facts are known only to those of us who have been given important positions within this world.

"I want to try and explain a little about this world's structure, so that you will be able to navigate Homeworld in the upcoming conflict."

Everyone nods their appreciation to Sora, but they remain silent. This is perhaps the closest person in the world to Furst Jonas. Besides the emperor himself, he is likely the strongest person in Homeworld, and will know more than anybody else about the struggle they are going to go through.

He continues, "During the last conflict, I fought alongside Endou Akashi, Furst Jonas and many other people. We fought against foreign invaders from a parallel world we called the Dark Dimension. This war became the defining event in the history of Homeworld.

"We fought to defend some parts of Homeworld, and to liberate the majority of it. Together, we fought as part of the most powerful military this land has ever known. The officers of that army, people like Clyde's former teacher Carmen, went on to be given the title aristocrat. Aristocrats were the heroes of our society, those who served with distinction during the war.

"These days aristocrats are given many privileges in this world, mostly financial. They also own a tremendous amount of land; thousands of times more than the average person can afford to keep. They used to be loved, but now many of them are feared. It never used to be the case when Endou Akashi was the emperor, but Furst is different. Furst has deliberately increased the disparity in privilege, he has made people less equal, it's all part of his scheme to control the world. These privileges aren't optional for aristocrats either, many aristocrats like Carmen didn't want them, but they were forced upon them. That means that even those who are sympathetic towards the unfortunate like Carmen are unapproachable, it prevents any grass-roots rebellion. People like Carmen will be willing to help you to fight the empire.

"Anyway, not everyone served with enough valour to become an aristocrat, the remainder were split into two armies.

"The first of these armies is the one you have experience with, lead by Head General Lara here, we simply call it the military. It was originally charged with fighting any future foreign invaders away from Homeworld. Since Furst created the pocket worlds, they have been fighting groups of pocket-worlders like the shinobi amongst you there. Since Furst took over, we have used Dark Dimension technologies to make members of the military forget their past. If not for your bond with one another, the military would have become a group of unthinking machines

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