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A Short Distance from the Academy, Naruto's Group

Naruto and the Uzumaki family stop running, claiming to one another they need to catch their breath. The truth is that their eyes are drawn back to the academy like magnets. The feeling hasn't died down, even though Furst is no longer using his divine energy. The energy levels alone aren't what frighten them, it's the aura that he has brought along with him. It seems that a sensation of absolute terror descends whenever he arrives, one that even has Naruto shaking.

Dai catches up with them a few moments later.

"Thank god you're OK," Dai says, coming to a halt alongside them, "That's all he wanted when he started yelling."

Dai looks at Naruto but receives no response, the 7th Hokage is still in shock. Ming Dai looks around the group that have followed Naruto. Hinata, Himawari, Minato, Kushina, that's it, just his immediate family. This is by no means ideal for a rebellion, Dai knew that Furst's sudden arrival had split them into smaller groups, but he had hoped that Naruto would be in the largest one. Just six of them, that's not the best starting point he could have hoped for.

"We have to go back," Naruto says eventually, "He can't win alone."

"He may be able to survive alone," Dai counters, "But not if he has to cover the rest of us too. Even if everyone who hated Furst attacked him together we couldn't kill him. That's why we need you to become strong Naruto, so we keep running, got it?"

Naruto grits his teeth and nods. They continue to run away.

A Short Distance from the Academy, Lara's Group

The largest fleeing group is the military, who thanks to the opportune meeting between Lara and her generals were all grouped near one another. Lara knows this is a pity, that this group is the one Naruto was supposed to lead, not her, but all she dares to do is run. She used to boast that she would be the one to kill Furst, but now as she looks back at the menacing emperor, she knows that she was delusional.

"Where are Sarada and the others?" Mirai asks.

"They must have run in a different direction," Elliot says, "Come on, we can't stop, we have to keep running."

Mirai ignores Elliot. "Lara, you're a teleporter, you have to group everyone together, we can't let ourselves be split apart like this."

"There are too many of us to reunite with teleportation alone," Lara says, "Our group is the largest, if I left traces of divine energy there is no way Furst would miss it. If I try to unite us, we will be discovered, we will be killed and the resistance will be over. No, we will keep running."

The Military Academy, The Central Clearing

Nina rushes to Sora's side to help him. She emerges from one of the academy's corridors and moves at what most would think a remarkable speed. Her speed is pitiful in this arena though. She stands in the clearing with two royals, the academy's headmaster and the emperor himself.

"Headmaster, let me help you in this fight," she says, "There is no way you can do this alone."

Sora simply smiles and takes hold of Nina's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Nina asks.

Sora doesn't answer. He simply spins on the spot, lifting Nina powerfully by her shoulder before throwing her over the academy's roof. He watches as she flies into the distance, shrinks until she is less than a spot in size. When she is gone he breathes a sigh of relief, now the academy is clear of the innocent. Now only the guilty parties are here to be hurt.

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