Chapter 174-ZAHRA'S PLAN

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Outside the Tower

Hinata watches the Imperial Guard retreat into the distance, breathing a sigh of relief. If Naruto had not been with her, they may have seen fit to attack, she may not have been able to survive. That is a weakness she vows not to repeat. This war is her responsibility, the pocket-worlders must be allowed to live safely without interference from Homeworld, that is the lesson the past has taught her.


A woman runs up to Hinata and hugs her tightly.

Hinata doesn't know how to react. This is her child. Having children was always in her future, a member of the imperial family of Homeworld it was almost expected of her. She has no memory of this child now, she's an adult, she grew up under the watchful gaze of another. Is it even right to claim that this woman is her daughter, how can she claim to be the mother of child she doesn't know?

"I don't—" Hinata begins.

"I don't think it really matters if you have never met," Hannah interrupts the princess. "You probably noticed I had two forms of energy, 'light' and 'darkness'. I got this energy from my parents, but I was born as part of an experiment. I never spent any time with them, and I have been raised mostly by Claude. But I trust Naruto, he's been good to me. My parents trusted him too, so I think that what's important is your soul. My soul came from my parents, and I think Himawari's came from you."

Naruto smiles at Hannah, nodding to her. He couldn't have put it any better himself.

"You don't remember us?" Himawari asks.

Hinata hugs Himawari tightly. "It doesn't matter if I can't remember you. I am Princess Endou Hinata of Homeworld, it's good to finally meet you. You're my daughter."

"See-see-see," Mana runs over and leans down to look in Hinata's eyes, "You belong in this family. It's so cool, you're all so cute together."

"Mana, please be quiet."

"Hello young princess, what's your name?"

"Are you talking to me?" Himawari asks.

"Yeah, you're Hinata's daughter after all. Think of it, all these years and you never knew that you were a Princess of Homeworld. You must be 2nd in line to the throne."

"Uh—" Himawari blanks, having not thought of that.

"You can call me Aunt Mana," she says presumptuously, "I grew up with your mother. I call her Hinata-sis. She thinks I talk too much though."

"Does she really?"

"You're going to have to tell me everything about what she used to be like."

Before Himawari can answer Mana moves on. She introduces herself to Minato and Kushina. She insists that they should tell her all about Naruto and Hinata's relationship in the pocket-world, wanting to know all the gossip from the years of her friend's life that she has missed out on.

Naruto walks away from the others to catch his breath. He still struggles to process all this. Until now he hadn't even thought of the ramifications of the revelation for the future. Himawari is a princess of this world. Despite Mana's former assumption, Boruto is actually the crown prince. Last time he met his son he was hoping to destroy Homeworld, now it turns out he is part of it's most prestigious family.

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