Chapter 177-TEAM 7 REUNITED

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North Aturia

Hinata looks on at these newcomers curiously. Naruto knew them before they even arrived, but he hasn't described anyone matching their description to her since they reunited. They must have known each other in the pocket-world. Did she hear them call each other teammates? Why does he seem so relaxed now that he stands alongside this strange man?

Naruto and Sasuke charge alongside one another towards Zahra. Naruto prepares a rasengan in his hand and draws back his arm, ready to push it towards Zahra, but then he unexpectedly bends at his waist. Sasuke steps on Naruto's back, using it as a platform to leap at Zahra, kicking towards her head. Zahra is able to block the initial kick, but not the subsequent rasengan that is thrust into her abdomen. She is knocked back into a nearby tree.

Zahra looks at the two of them in surprise. This is not the first time a combination attack has been used against her, but it is undoubtedly the first that has been performed so effectively. The timing, the speed, the positioning, it's like these two pocket-worlders could read one another's minds.

They don't stop attacking either. They don't let up for even a moment. Sasuke throws his sword towards Zahra such that it will obviously sail over her shoulder. This is an old trick for him now, one he doesn't mind showing her at this early stage in the fight.

When Zahra lets the sword move past her shoulder and embed itself in the tree, she adopts a defensive position, ready for her opponents to rush her once again. Shockingly the sword disappears, and Uzumaki Naruto appears in it's place. He slices downward with one of the pocket-worlders weapons clad in 'life' energy, he manages to cut her arm once again. She manages to barely escape the second attack he throws in her direction due to her superior speed.

Sasuke smirks.

Naruto grins.

This is the safest either of them have felt since coming to the future. They have felt more comfortable with others of course, they have found others who they can talk to more easily and who they eat alongside happily. There is no comparing to the company of one another though. They have each walked a path that only the other fully understands and when they battle together all their troubles seem to slide away. They have fought so many times now they know each other inside out, their minds meld into one consciousness more powerful than they could possibly be apart.

"Hey Sakura, hurry up with the healing," Sasuke says.

"Yo Sakura, it's good to see you," Naruto adds. "It would be handy if you could hurry up, I would have been done by now."

Sakura receives a series of these comments from her teammates making her more and more angry as they continue to fight with their opponent. Doing this wasn't her choice, it was Naruto's fault for letting his allies get injured. Her frustration grows further and further until her two condescending teammates allow their opponent to slip past for a moment. Zahra clearly identifies the others as a target, a weakness to target first. Sakura refuses to let that happen.

Sakura intercepts Zahra, using her 'strength' energy to knock her backwards powerfully.

Zahra, having seen 'healing' energy coming from her, never expected Sakura to also have command of 'strength' energy. 'Strength' users make for some of the most powerful attackers around. It is one of the few elements that someone could use two battle classes below her and still hurt her. She curses herself for this oversight.

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