Chapter 87 Team Of Four

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The Hideout

Just over an hour since her pursuit failed, Lara ambles back into the camp, replaying recent events in her head. Something is different, she knows it is. The problem is that she resents the change that is happening to her, whatever that change may be. Life has always been so easy. Nobody has ever been able to stop her from doing what she wants. She has only ever wanted simple things that she has been able to achieve. Now she is not only being stopped by an aristocrat, but she is also unsure of what her true objective is. To surpass Clyde, to kill Furst Jonas, who knows?

'How did that girl get into our camp'.

A youngster. A teenager it looked like. Lara has long since been able to look past someone's appearance and tell their true age. Whether it is Peterson, whose true age is in the hundreds. Naruto, whose true age is much less than one hundred. Clyde, whose age, like her own, is around the one-thousand mark. That girl is different though, her looks are deceiving. Lara has never met someone before who looks like a teenager yet gives off the sensation of being far younger.

Who was she anyway? How did she find the camp? That shouldn't be possible. The world is too large to find anything like that by accident. There had to either be some sort of direction, or some sort of instinct that brought her to them. Lara didn't believe in destiny yesterday, but now she is not so sure. It could well be that fate itself brought that girl to her.

'Just why did I let her go. There was no reason for it was there? She was weak. It was like hunting a wild animal'.

As Lara walks amongst the tents that have become a near-permanent residence for her and her subordinates, she analyses the difference in their respective strengths. She is a mighty general with a divine ability and a transcendent element. That girl had the same transcendent element but only to the captain level of control. Even to give her that much is flattering, her control was sloppy, like she had just broken through. How could someone so weak be blessed by such destiny and such luck?

"So, what do you think about what Shikadai did?".

Lara barely pays any attention to the question. It isn't directed at her is it? She tilts her head to the side slightly. It was just a shinobi, gossiping to his two friends about recent events. Do they not even recognise her presence anymore? Is that intimidating presence she once possessed now gone completely? Is her aura shattered?

"He may have gone about it the wrong way, but he is right?" another shinobi answers. "We would be stronger if we had Lord 1st's help rather than Clyde's".

Lara would have done something about this in the past. This shinobi is completely overlooking her great power.

"Are you crazy? Lord 1st may be strong, but I couldn't bring myself to work with him again, not how he is now".

"It's true, this Boruto we're seeing now isn't the same as he was in the past".

"I suppose not".

Lara feels an unusual emotion as this conversation concludes. Relief? Since when could she feel relief based on the conversation of such pathetic individuals. They are nothing to her, aren't they? Less than nothing.

'What are you doing now, Lara, eavesdropping on the mortals' she rebukes herself. 'Why should I care about their opinion, they're nobodies, I have already outlived twenty generations of that family'.

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