Chapter 88 A United Assualt

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The Hideout

Having heard Lara's plan and Naruto's subsequent plea, the Circle made the decision to trust her once more. To the delight of the destined assailants, they will attack Carmen once more as a team of four. This is the team of four who Naruto believed in from the beginning, the perfect group of skilled warriors to take down Carmen and make an attempt on Furst Jonas' life.

As before, the various shinobi and captains rush about and make the final preparations to leave. They leave a skeleton team of their comrades behind to look after the villagers should the worst happen and ready most of the military personnel to move. Nobody should be able to find them here in this grassy plain, not in a world of such titanic size and open space, but it is always best to take precautions.

Having prepared her own stuff for the journey, Hinata stands atop a small mound in the plains. She is unsure what she can do to influence the bigger picture, and when she looks at the team of four and the other Hokage and Generals, it only reinforces her feelings. She isn't the type to give up though, she will keep pressing forward with an unwavering determination. She will never stop looking to bring her son back to the village.

Hinata begins to smile as she gazes into the distance.

"Hinata, are you alright up here?" Naruto asks as he walks up the small mound to join his fiancée.

Hinata nods. "I've never really thought about it with everything that happened, but I really like it here, don't you?".

Naruto thinks back to recent events. Hinata is right, they have been difficult to deal with. The politics has been impossible to negotiate at times. Treachery of a trusted friend has led to civil war. Battles have taken place, both physical and emotional that has made everyone question who is an ally and who is an enemy. While he avoided the war, Naruto has suffered more than most in that battle. The echo of deceit and the pain it has brought him may never leave him.

But then he looks to the surroundings and he sees nothing. Just the grass, the wind and the sunshine. This place, despite having seen so much horror, is idyllic. One could lie down here, watch the hours pass with the clouds and truly relax. If it weren't for the scarring of the environment, one wouldn't know that this world was the source of such great turmoil.

Naruto kneels and summons some divine energy to his fingertip. Using that energy, he clumsily draws a little symbol atop the mound. A leaf.

"When this is all over, we can come back here one day, can't we?" he smiles.

"I would like that" Hinata smiles. "I hope this is the last time we have to make this journey. I hope that this is the time we finally defeat her".

"We will, you can trust me on that much, right?".

"Of course I can".

Nearby Minato stands shoulder to shoulder with Tobirama. The two of them shut their eyes and try to shut out the world around them, focusing only on each other's voices. They have been given a strict set of instructions. It is not anyone's place to give orders to the Hokage, not even Uzumaki Naruto's. When the 7th Hokage asked them to help though, they were not able to refuse.

"Must have left the ground…".

"Must wait for the signal, must move before you…".

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