Chapter 18

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The Invader's Hill

Colonel Sheer slowly limps up the side of her hill. Beaten and battered, nobody has come to help her, something that has only just struck her as unusual. When Mirai had lost, her parents had come to her side. When Kakashi had lost, his teacher had come to his side. Yet when Sheer lost, nobody had come to her side. Why is that?

Coming down the hill is Colonel Martin, his sneer conveying his emotions at this moment. Near the start when he had drawn number six he had considered himself lucky, he had considered that he would be unlikely to compete and yet here he was, in the last match.

As the two pass, one another Martin stops, allowing Sheer to walk past him as his gaze fixes on his opponent on the opposite hill. "Hey".

Sheer stops, rubbing the dirt from her face with the back of her hand. "What is it?".

"You realise that it was your incompetence that has forced me into this fight, right Sheer?". Martin is a coward, against this opponent, in this situation, a Colonel should have nothing to fear. It is not because he is modest, far from it, he is actually quite arrogant. It is because he has been spoiled his entire life.

Sheer chuckles lightly, amazed that Martin could still speak like this after so much has happened. "You are still underestimating; these locals are different".

A moment of silence passes between them before Sheer begins to walk once again, she continues up the hill. Her trek does not last long though, a bony hand stretches out and grabs her by the arm. Of course, this is Martin.

"If I get seriously injured in this fight, it will be your fault" he declares, "My sister will hear about what you have done. Your survival will become impossible".

"Impossible" Sheer mutters the word before smiling. It is a word that Sarada has changed her understanding of.

Suddenly, a gust of cutting wind arrives, bound for the duo's arms. Martin releases Sheer's arm so that he can escape the attack. Sheer also avoids the attack, after all, she is the one who created it.


"It may be impossible" Sheer smiles as her long purple hair flutters in the wind, "But, I think that I may be able to overcome the impossible now".

Martin attempts to complain further to Sheer but she simply walks off. This is a level of disrespect the Colonel has not had to deal with before. His position is a great one, a rare one, few people have connections anymore, much less powerful connections like he has. If Clyde were to show him no respect that would be one thing, but Sheer, that is something else entirely.

The Hidden Leaf Hill

Half way up the hidden leaf hill, the last survivor of the Uchiha clan struggles to keep calm, she has actually defeated a Colonel after so many years of losing to them. For Tobirama to do it had been emotional for her. Tobirama comes from the past though, Sarada is from this time, someone from the present actually defeated a Colonel. This is unprecedented.

A cheesy grin comes to her face as Boruto approaches. "I did it Boruto".

"Congratulations" he mutters as he walks past his Hokage. When he speaks, it is under his breath, it is as if he doesn't acknowledge her existence, as if she is just another person in a crowd. Right now, that is how focused he is.

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