Chapter 61 EXPLOSIVE

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The Battlefield

Shinki and Shikadai. Cousins fighting together against a common foe. They are convinced that they have the advantage in intelligence over their opponent, much like Kakashi and Tobirama had done. However, things don't seem to be going their way, they just cannot finish things. Each man is drenched in sweat from head to toe. They feel like they have been running for years without stopping.

A contrast to the cousins Tao Ma seems ecstatic. Swaying side-to-side like a drunkard, he smiles and occasionally laughs at the duos attacks. He looks down, unironically surprised at the state of his clothing and gives it a light dusting.

Shikadai realises instantly that this is simply bluff. He is mocking them. They should have beaten someone like this long ago yet he keeps surviving their attacks. The quick attacks are too slow, the heavy attacks too light, the lethal attacks too survivable.

"… I'm going for a direct attack" Shinki whispers, craning his neck slightly towards his cousin. "Cover me, Shikadai".


Shinki breaks, kicking the ground and running towards Tao Ma as quickly as he can. He makes a depressing picture, running so desperately like this. Using divine energy and chakra, he had previously been so fast but now he is different. Every step laboured, he approaches his foe, summoning a fraction of his miniscule chakra and divine energy remnants.

Tao Ma lifts his right hand slowly, his hand opens as if holding the underside of an invisible bowl. As he does a familiar appears to his left. It's another tentacle, made from the same grey substance as all those that came before it. This most terrifying divine energy, if that is what it is at all. With the tentacle constructed he turns his cupped hand upside down and lowers it, instructing his creation. It slams downward, the tentacle destined for Shinki, who is in no state to avoid the incoming blow.

Shikadai is prepared though. He has forced himself into a state of readiness despite his fatigue. He creates a 'darkness' kunai and launches it towards the tentacle. As the two connect it is obvious where the power in the exchange lies. While the kunai, despite being made with a transcendent element, is sent scurrying away, the tentacle continues its path almost unperturbed. 'Almost' is exactly what Shikadai wants though. That small contact is just enough to change the tentacle's motion and bring it down to Shinki's side, saving him from the danger.

Tao Ma isn't concerned, he repeats his attack several times. He is all too happy, grinning like a child, lifting his hands up and down to mimic playing a piano. He doesn't appear afraid. Even as Shinki closes the distance to less than five meters he doesn't flinch.

Shikadai has been exerting himself beyond what he thought possible to deter these attacks but he has managed it. As his cousin closes the distance to less than three meters, he spies that the smile is still there on the face of his opponent. Some may label it complacent, confident, or even a showing of his relaxation. Shikadai can only look for one thing in his opponent now though, openings. As far as openings go, this is one of his favourite, carelessness.

Shinki pulls back his open-palm, twists his hips and readies what looks like a slap to his opponent. A slap is too straightforward though, he cannot afford to fight this man with such tactics. In a battle of power, it has already been shown to him that Tao Ma is vastly superior. He must strike from the shadows, where his opponent cannot see. He slaps his hand across the air before the captor's face and trailing behind it is iron sand. It connects with its target, doing no great physical damage to Tao Ma but succeeding in blinding him.

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