chapter 22

301 7 1

The Colonels have retreated. At least for now, the shinobi of the hidden leaf have defeated the Colonels. That will change though, they have fled in Naruto's direction, it is only natural that Hashirama and Mirai will give chase, however, they take a moment to collect themselves before doing so.

Of course, there are four others who have been fighting in this battle. Four people who have nothing more to give. Kakashi who has followed Naruto's prediction and become their ultimate trump card in this battle. Tobirama who was beaten by the strongest Colonel but still continued to fight. Boruto who changed his direction to go back and help Sarada, despite barely grasping his own powers. And lastly, Sarada, who had battle two on one for so long before winning with Boruto's aid, only to come here and fight once again.

Boruto begins to set himself down gently before deciding he doesn't have the energy. Like a child trying to show off, he flops onto his back, looking up into the sky above.

Sarada smiles as she limps over to join Boruto. "A little tired, are you?" she questions as she sits down beside him.

"Exhausted" he breathes in reply, "I'm sorry that I'm letting the team down like this. But I have nothing left…".

"Boruto, not so long ago you were worried that you would lose in the 6th round". Hashirama knows this better than anyone, he is the one who alleviated Boruto of his fears. It was as a result of this that Boruto took Hashirama on as a master. "If you hadn't unleashed your anger and contributed so heavily, we wouldn't have even made it this far".

"Thank you, Lord 1st".

Tobirama smiles, while he doesn't agree with his brother's new philosophy, it is good to see that he is still a good man at heart. Then, much like Boruto, Tobirama begins to fall onto his back. His is not a deliberate fall, nor one made he had any influence over, it is his legs that have given out on him.

Kakashi catches Tobirama as the 2nd Hokage coughs from deep within his chest. "Thanks, Kakashi".

"Don't mention it" the 6th Hokage replies with what Tobirama assumes to be a smile.

Tobirama notices that his friend is still lowering him though, something Kakashi quickly explains. "Now, I have a few seconds to lay you down" he begins as he places Tobirama's head on the ground, "Before I collapse myself".


Kakashi falls down next to Tobirama.

Tobirama's first instinct is to help Kakashi but he is too tired to do anything himself. What he wishes for right now is to go to sleep. Everyone feels much the same way, as if they could sleep for a thousand years. The feeling is more extreme in Tobirama though, he came into this contest, not just with the expectations of all the villagers, but also the dying will of Mito on his shoulders.

"What a cute couple you make" Mirai teases them.

Normally, one of them would reprimand her for such childish behaviour. Not now though. They just lay there, taking deep breaths, hoping to recovery what strength they can, should it be required in the upcoming fight. If nothing else the most difficult obstacle is still before them.

Clyde is still OK.

"Mirai, Hashirama" Sarada calls to the duo, the only other shinobi amongst them who has not collapsed, "The other two colonels fled in Naruto's direction, you have to go help him".

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