Chapter 53 EIGHT BACKS

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Outside the Hidden Leaf

This will be the scene for the greatest collision of powers this world has ever seen. It's a backwater world, a pocket world, created by a mad man as little more than a puddle in the hope it would grow into a reservoir. It is not designed for battles of this magnitude, it is designed for mass slaughter. A fight between colonels is something that may draw attention in Clyde's world, news of a fight between generals is rare but it does happen. Aristocrats may even turn it into a spectator sport if they can arrive fast enough. A pocket world though, that is designed as a realm with limits; limits are designed so that a general won't lose in such a world.

There was a brief period of determination just a few moments ago. The people had seen two leaders of their combined armies show each other mutual respect. That respect did rise their morale but not for long. Now an almost deadly silence has fallen on the battlefield, as if they are waiting for the enemy to emerge from the ether, ready to fight.

Various people give silent gestures to one another. Some nod their heads, as Mitsuki does to Tsunade. Some pat each other on the back, knowing that they are afraid. Amongst the forces of the Hidden Leaf there are many who share romantic relationships, they take hold of their lover's hands, perhaps for the last time.

At the front of this eerie scene, eight people must stand strong. Clyde and Peterson, Tobirama, Hiruzen, Minato, Tsunade, Kakashi and Shinki. Eight people to represent two combined armies. Theoretically, this is the second strongest force ever amassed in this world; unfortunately, it is second only to the one they are facing.

Looking at the faces of the Kage, one could tell that they are whispering between each other, the only ones who dare to talk. They twist slightly and lean to their side, anyone could tell that Clyde is the target of their questions. Despite this, Peterson is usually the one to answer, often requesting they stop talking and allow the general to think.

Clyde has never beaten Lara. However, that is the battle that will likely determine the outcome of this fight. They are the two mightiest warriors in either force who only Elliot could rival. If one could defeat the other early on then they would have practically guaranteed victory for their side. Clyde knows this is unlikely, knowing Lara, she will send in the others first. She will want to watch the blood and the gore as the weakest of her enemies die. She will enjoy her appetiser before moving onto the main course, him.

He feels what Naruto was meant to feel in this moment. The eyes of so many looking at his back, pleading with the divines that he can rescue them. He is the unlikely hero of so many, the gallant captain of so many more. He doesn't even give it a second thought. Naruto is in his early twenties, more inexperienced now than when he was supposed to become the Hokage. Clyde has a thousand years of experience, hundreds of them as a leader for a military force. It is only natural that the elder of the two leaders would be better accustomed to this situation, to these eyes.

There are two sets of eyes on Clyde, that he doesn't realise.

The eyes of someone he doesn't even know the name of.

The eyes of one black-cloaked lackey and his leader, Tao Ma.

"Well, well, I've never seen anything quite like this before. A full-scale rebellion by one of the generals, not a weak one either. These locals as well, they're remarkable, the strongest I have ever seen. This will be interesting".

Tao Ma's mannerisms fail to match his word. He sways around like a drunkard, interlacing cackles into his words as he watches. He speaks the words of an intellectual in the manner of a crazed-hermit.

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