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Beneath the Military Academy

Sarada groans as she feels the long fingers tenderly ruffle her hair, resigned to the fact that she couldn't escape even if she wanted to. Naruto to resist, grabbing at the hand that runs through his mane and trying helplessly to force it away. Juan takes a drink as he waits for the situation to resolve itself, however long that may take. Nina continues to patronisingly rub her students' heads, as if praising a dog.

"So, the little disciple mastered 'Future Sight'," she asks.

"Yep," Juan responds.

"And our very own morale support has mastered the 'One True Sense' too?".


Naruto manages to get away from his teacher for a moment but remains wary of her. He turns back to look at her and flinches away as she threatens to reach out and grab at him once again. She is far too friendly for his liking.

"Everything feels different," Naruto explains, "It's like I've been blind for my entire life, is that how it's supposed to feel."

"Probably," Juan answers with uninspiring confidence.

Nina claps her hands childishly. Sarada glances back at her teacher through the corner of her eye. Is this really the master criminal that both Endou Akashi and Furst Jonas worked so hard to hunt down? Is this the effect of being Nina's ally, this feeling of incredible ease and familiarity? This must be the reason that Headmaster Sora chose her.

"OK then, there's only one good way to test out your new techniques, right?" Nina asks rhetorically, "Let's have a good old fashioned fight. No divine energy mind, I'll be watching you closely."

As Nina announces that the two Hokage will fight, a crowd begins to form a circle around the two warriors. Nina begins to take bets on which of the two will win drawing their ire. Once they finally have complete calm and silence around them, Naruto and Sarada walk to the centre of the circle, standing face to face with one another. A bead of sweat runs down Sarada's back, a pressure born not from the audience but from her own history. Every time she gets to spar with Naruto like this, the 9th Hokage considers it to be her privilege.

Naruto extends his fist towards his student.

"Ready Sarada?"

Sarada bumps her fist against Naruto and the two of the jump away from each other as soon as their knuckles connect. They both jump precisely and skilfully backwards, landing just a few meters from the edge of the clearing that has been created by their observers.

Upon landing, the two of them dash forward once again, the first melee of this particular encounter. Naruto strikes first with three successive punches aimed at Sarada's head, each of them blocked. Next, the 7th Hokage decides to go for something more dramatic, aiming a high-angled kick towards Sarada's shoulder. The moment Naruto pivots on his foot, it triggers Sarada's reaction and she kicks his other leg out from under him.

Naruto stumbles forward, recognising straight away that Sarada's reaction time was way faster than he expected. In fact, it's a reaction time that shouldn't be possible for someone exercising so little of their power.

As Naruto tries to rebalance himself, Sarada aims at the back of his head and throws her elbow out behind her. No wasted movement, the most powerful strike she can use directly at the area that will cause the most damage.

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