Chapter 187-Dishonourable Royalty

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Outside CheoCho

The group that came to CheoCho with Naruto is packed with some of the world's most elite sensors. Sasuke is one the two living users of the Rinnegan. Both Hinata and Himawari use the Byakugan. Claude the Owl regularly surveys the surroundings from above. Hannah is blessed with an instinct beyond anyone else's. That's why the group is quick to react when they sense something bad approaching, or more specifically someone bad approaching. One is an old man with a grey beard and a white lab coat, the other is woman with purple hair and thick glasses. This is King Weiss Max and General Rana.

"What do you want?" Mana asks as she sees them approach.

"It seems like there is good news from the city," Max says. "Our sensors would seem to suggest that CheoCho is now free of Fauna Blight."

"Are you being honest with us?" Hinata asks sceptically. "Naruto really did it? He eradicated Fauna Blight in humans?"

"Yes it would appear so. The only cases of Fauna Blight in this part of CheoCho are likely your two comrades here. What an interesting selection of pets you keep in your company princess. First you have the horse who betrayed his own clan to become the imperial steed, who was too weak to change the Beast Kingdom's policy. And then you have the mighty owl, who soars higher and flies faster than any bird we have ever seen. An owl whose greatest accomplishment was escaping my custody."

Michel and Claude are both infuriated by what they're hearing. They are reminded that while everyone else is celebrating freedom from Fauna Blight they are still afflicted with it. If this were anyone else they might attack, but this is King Weiss Max. Attacking a royal would be a death sentence, even with so many of them here to fight him.

"If Fauna Blight is gone why are you here?" Hannah asks.

"Ah if it isn't Hannah, my greatest creation, my finest experiment. Your instincts are just as sharp as I designed them to be, but there is always room for improvement. You should return with me and then we can get one step closer to perfection with the next experiment."

"Hannah doesn't need improving," Claude protests.

"Do not protest foolish owl," Max says. "After all, Hannah is my creation. I am the closest thing she has to a parent, and I know what is best for her."

Max reaches for Hannah's shoulder.

"If you move your hand any closer I will bite it off," Hannah says.

Max withdraws his hand. "It seems that you still have too much of Lara in you. Inheriting the flaws of your divine energy donors, that is definitely something I will need to resolve."

"She asked you a question," Sasuke says. "If Fauna Blight has been cured then why are you here? You weren't able to do anything before and there is no need for you do anything now."

Max and Rana simply smile. The king continues to watch Hannah's every action, watching for any flaw, for any improvements he should be looking to implement when he captures her next. The purple eyes are clearly a genetic flaw, much the same as Princess Hinata's mostly fire-red hair, but her instincts are clearly sublime. Max wonders if there is a limit to those instincts, some tiny inadequacy with his previous method that he needs to improve upon.

"Mother should have summoned us away by now," Hinata realises. "Ming Dai and Shao Chin were supposed to retrieve her. What is taking them so long?"

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